Violet's demise. ( chapter 16)

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"If you'll follow me, I have something to show you." Said Mr.Wonka walking to a machine in the corner of the inventing room.

"Looks special, alright. I just hope my Veruca doesn't want one."

"What a contraption."

"Isn't she scrumptious?" Said Mr.Wonka.

"It's my revolutionary, non-pollutionary, mechanical wonder."

You decided to take a look but jumped away when you saw the live bees in the machine.

"Now. button, Button."  Mr.Wonka said looking for the button.

"Who's got the button?" Mr.Wonka asked the Oompa Loompas.

The Oompa Loompas shrugged.

"Mr.Wonka" said Charlie tapping on his shoulder. "It's over there." He said pointing to a rectangular box with a big red button in the middle of it.

"Here?" asked Mr.Wonka with a playfull smile.

"Yep" Said Charlie being confident.

Mr.Wonka pressed the button.

The machine started making loud sounds startling the group.

You jumped form the scare.

You felt someone hold your hand.

You looked at who it was.

It was Mr.Wonka.

"It's okay." He said with a smile.

"Want some?" He asked holding out some strawberries.

"Of course." You said taking a few strawberries in your free hand.

You blushed because he as still holding your hand.

The machine stopped making sounds.

A piece of gum came out of the machine.

"Finito!" Said Mr.Wonka walking to the machine and taking the piece of gum out of the compartment letting go of your hand.

"That's all?"

"That's all?" said Willy Wonka Loudly "Don't you know what this is?"

Violet's eyes widened and said "By, gum, It's gum!"

"Wrong, It's the most amazing, fabulous, sensational gum in the whole world." Explained Mr.Wonka

Violet stared at the piece of gum and asked "What's so fab about it?"

"This little pice of gum is a three-course dinner" 

Mr. Salt let out a scof "Bull." He said.

"No, Roast beef, but i haven't got it quite right yet." Corrected Mr.Wonka.

"I don't care." Said Violet snatching the piece of gum out of Mr.Wonka's hand.

She almost put the pice of gum in her mouth Before Mr.Wonka warned her by saying "Oh! I wouldn't do that." he paused for a moment and mumbled " I really wouldn't."

"So long as it's gum, then it's for me."

"Violet don't go and do something reckless." Said her father grabbing her shoulders.

"Cool it , father!" she said pushing him away.

She put the piece of gum in your mouth.

You began to grow nervous and grabbed your blanket out of your back pocket and started to rub it on your face hoping no one whould notice.

"Madness! It's tomato soup! It's creamy. I can actually feel it running down my throat!" Violet said with wide eyes.

"Stop. Don't. Whatever you do, don't get to pudding." Mr.Wonka said in a sarcastic tone.

"Why doesn't she listen to Mr.Wonka?" Charlie asked you.

"Because, Charlie, She's a Nitwit" You said to Charlie.

Suddenly you heard voices.

"Honestly why do we even try too deal with this child anymore!" You heard a woman say.

"They are nothing but a nitwit and a disappointment!" The Woman continued.

You heard the sound of breaking glass.

You calmed yourself down from what you just heard.

 You hear voilet saying "Blueberry pie and cream!"

"It's the most marvelous pie I've ever tasted!"

You heard Mr.Wonka correct her by mumbling "pudding."

Voilet started to turn Violet.

"Violet, What's happening to your face!" Her father said worriedly.

"Your face is turning blue! You're turning violet, Violet!" Said her father.

"What are you talking about?"  Violet said before looking down at her hands.

Her Jaw dropped when she saw that her hands where Violet.

"I told you I Haden't got it right yet." Said Mr.Wonka who was sitting on the counter of the machine.

"You can say that again! Look at what it's done to my Voilet!"

"It alway's goes wrong when we come to the desserts. Always." Mr.Wonka said to himself.

Violet's father looked supper angry like he was going to kill Mr.Wonka.

Violet started to inflate like a Blueberry.

"I feel funny." She said.

"I'm Not surprised."

"You're blowing up like a balloon!"

"Like a blueberry." Corrected Mr.Wonka.

You put your blanket back in your back pocket.

"Somebody do something, call a doctor!"

"Stick her with a pin!"

"But then she'll pop!"

You zoned out because of the voices you heard earlier.

"Hey, are you okay" Asked a voice snapping you of it.

You looked up to see Mr.Wonka.

"I am fine Mr.Wonka" You said.

"You know you can call me Willy right?" He said with a smile that melted your heart."

"You can call me (y/n) then." You said with a smile.

"Well let's continue the tour." He said offering you his hand.

You took his hand and you and him walked to where the others where.

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