Tomorow (chapter 8)

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~one week later~

It was about a week after mike TeeVee got his golden ticket, I keep telling charlie that one day something is going to happen that will change his life. But he does not believe me.

In one week it is going to be Friday October 1st!

I was awoken to Grandpa Joe and Charlie talking.

I walked over to them my blanket wrapped around myself and sat next to them.

"What's going on?" I asked raising an eyebrow.

Charlie had a Wonka Bar in his hands.

"Grandpa Joe got me a Wonka Bar using the money I gave him for his tobacco," Charlie said to you.

"I told you that it was a good idea to keep the money." You said to Grandpa Joe.

"Yeah, your right. Now go on, open it, Charlie," said Grandpa Joe.

Charlie quickly opens it to find no golden ticket.

"You know Charlie, I bet that gold makes the chocolate taste terrible." You said trying to lighten the mood.

You hug charlie and said to him "Charlie, Yesterday is history, Tomorrow is a mystery, but today is a gift that's why it's called the present." you smiled at him.

He smiled back.

"Now of to bed." you sad to him.

~Time skip~

It's two days until the 1st and I got home from work.

The tv was turned on.

you began listening to it while reading.

-"That's it, That's it, It's all over, the  Wonka contest is all over. The fifth and final ticket has been found, and we've got a live report coming in directly from Paraguay, South America. Ladies and gentlemen, it is finished, the end has come. The Fifth and final ticket has been found right here in Paraguay. The finder is lucky Alberto Minolta, The multimillionaire owner of gambling casinos throughout South America."-

you began feeling the anger growing stronger and stronger while you listened to the reporter.

-"Here is the most recent picture of Alberto the happy finder, the man who finally has put a stop to wonkamania for all the world."

"Turn it off. Well, that's that. No more golden tickets"

"A whole lot of rubbish, the whole thing."

"Not too Charlie it wasn't. A little boy's got to have something in the world to hope for, What's he got to hope for now."

"Let's now wake him." I look at her "He is not sleeping." I said going to mine and Charlie's room.

I walk next to charlie's bed to see him crying "Hey charlie are you alright?"  you asked him.

He looked at you " you said that I would get one, there are no tickets left." I looked at him with a sad look 'I know what it feels like.' I said to myself.

I started to sing that I sang when I lost hope

after the song, Charlie was already sleeping.

You looked at Charlie and said, "Charlie, The past can hurt but the way I see it, you can either run from it or learn from it."

You went to sleep knowing his time will come.

The time where his dreams will come true.

Stuck in a movie! (Willy Wonka love story)Where stories live. Discover now