The Chocolate room! (chapter 13)

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"Ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls, the Chocolate room" said Mr.Wonka

He pushed open the small door too reveal the Chocolate room.

"Omg i'm gonna cry" you wisperd too yourself.

You looked at the most amazing room ever and before you knew it he started singing pure imagination.

You started too folow the others down the stairs when we all started to spit up you started folowing Charlie.

"Hey (y/n) are you ok?" He asked looking at your shocked face.

"I am fine Charlie." You said pulling out the pice of fabric out of your back pocket.

"You sure?" he asked looking at you while you where rubbing the pice of fabric on your face.

"Yeah, just a bit shocked." you said too Charlie while freaking out to yourself.

"Should I leave you alone." He asked.

"Yeah go enjoy this amazing room." you said too him with a smile.

Once he left you felt like crying out of joy.

"Don't cry, Don't cry..." you kept mummbeling too yourself while rubbing the pice of fabric on your face.

You looked at the chocolate river you placed the pice of fabic back in you back pocket and sat on a rock close to the river.

you just sat there for a bit looking at the way the chocolate moves.

Suddenly you where snapped out of it by a voice.

"I see you like my chocolate river Ms.Bucket." Said a familiar voice.

You looked up too see Mr.Wonka standing nexst to you.

"Yes I do enjoy the sound of the waterfall and it is fantastic."

Mr.Wonka was about too say something but one of the adults nexst too the river cut him of by saying.

"What a disgusting dirty river. It's industrial waste."

"You ruined your watershed, Wonka. It's polluted." 

said the adults disaproving of the Chocolate river.

"It's chocolate." explained Mr.Wonka too the adults.

"That's chocolate!?"

Mr.Wonka nodded "That's my chocolate river. The waterfall is the most imporant thing. It's mixing my chocolate it's acually churning my chocolate. No other factory in the mixes its chocolate by waterfall, It's the only way if you want it just right." Explained Mr.Wonka too the adults

"The waterfall makes sense, But what is the point of the rest of this stuff." Asked Mr.Salt.

"The point?"

"Yes, What is it for?"

"It's my creation"

"Yes, but how does it make money?" asked Mr.Salt

Mr.Wonka looked at the childeren who where enjoying themselfs and giggled "It doesn't."

"Do you use it for photoshoots?"


"Do you use it for relaxation?"


"Then what is the use of all of this" asked Mr.Salt.

Stuck in a movie! (Willy Wonka love story)Where stories live. Discover now