Wonkavision (Chapter 20)

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Mr.Wonka turned to the coatrack.

"Would you put on these?" Asked Mr.Wonka holding up baggy white suits with orange stripes running up the sides.

He also held up some goggles.

"We have to be careful. There's dangerous stuff inside." said Mr.Wonka pointing to the door of the Wonka vision room.

We all put on the suits and the goggles.

"Everything set Charlie?" you asked Charlie making sure he is protected.

"Yes, everything is good to go." he said smiling.

"Good, I don't want you hurting yourself." You said smiling.

Mr.Wonka made sure everyone was well protected before opening the door.

The group stepped into the room, it was very bright.

Once your eyes adjusted to the brightness of the room you were able to see everything around you.

Everything looked just like in the movie, white very white.

"Wonkavision!" said Willy Wonka snapping you out of your thoughts.

You looked at him and listened to his explanation.

"My very latest and greatest invention." he said pointing to the machine in the middle of the room.

"It's television!" 

"No, It's wonkavision." said Willy Wonka correcting Mike Teevee.

You could not wait to finally be released from the hell that is the Teevee family.

"Now I suppose you all know how ordinary television works?" asked Willy Wonka.

You knew how Television worked but shook your head for the sake of not exposing yourself.

"You photograph somethi-"

"Sure I do! You photograph something. Then the photograph is split into millions of tiny pieces and go whizzing in the air down to your TV set where they're all put back in the right order." Said Mike interrupting Mr.Wonka.

Mr.Wonka looked annoyed at the fact he was interrupted by him.

"You should open your mouth a little wider when you speak." Said Mr.Woka to Mike bending down closer to him.

"So I said to myself, If they can do it with a photograph, Why can't I do it with a bar of chocolate." Said Mr.Wonka pointing to the door we came through.

In walked 4 Oompa Loompas carrying a big chocolate bar, they placed it in front of the machine.

"I shall now send this chocolate bar from one end of the room to the other." he said.

he leaned over to me and charlie.

"It has to be big because whenever you transmit something by television, it always ends up smaller on the other end." He said winks at me.

"goggles on, please." he said.

Everyone does what they are told.

Willy presses a button next to the machine.

"Lights... Camera... ACTOIN." said willy.

The machine did a zapping sound and made a big bright flash.

'No wonder we have to wear goggles.' I think to myself.

"You may remove your goggles." said willy to the group.

We all take off our goggles.

The chocolate was now gone.

"Where's the chocolate?" 

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