You can live with us if you want to. (chapter 3)

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It has been an hour since you explained everything to charlie and Ms.Bucket.

You already met the grandparents who were happy to meet you.

You were in Charlie's room just talking to him.

"So what is your world like?" He asked you curiously.

"Well things are not going well in my world at this moment," you said to him.

"Why is that?" He asked in a sad voice.

"Well, there is a virus spreading in my world," I said to him.

"that's terrible!" said Charlie.

"But other than that my world is a good place to live," I said happily.

"Do you have Wonka bars in your world?" Asked Charlie.

"Well we used to," I answered.

"What do you mean?" Asked Charlie.

"Well when this movie was released they made Wonka bars with it," I said.

"But when they came on the market there was something wrong with the formula which made the chocolate bars melt supper fast so, in the end, they had to take them off the market." I Continued kind of sad about it. 

"So you never had a Wonka bar before!" Charlie asked you surprised.

"No I have never had one before," I said embarrassed.

"It is time for supper!" Called out Ms.Bucket.

You and Charlie sat at the table.

"There you go (y/n)." Ms.Bucket said giving you your bowl of cabbage water.

"Thank you Ms.Bucket," you said starting to eat the cabbage water.

"So we have been talking." Ms.Bucket said.

"And have decided that since you have nowhere to go." Ms.Bucket Continued

"You can live with us if you want to." Ms.Bucket finished.

You just froze in shock 'They really want me to stay here.' you thought to yourself.

"Wel you don't have to." Said Charlie to you

"I would love to!" You almost were too excited.

"Well you can go unpack we already have matres for you in Charlie's room," said Ms.Bucket.

"Thank you I will go unpack right now." You said trying to stay calm.

You began unpacking your things when you saw a note on one of your sweaters.

It read:

Welcome to charlie & the chocolate factory!

As you can see I packed you everything you need.

It is now a month before the competition begins.

Ps: You in the 1971 movie with Gene Wilder.

Good luck my dear.


'This is going to be fun.' you thought to yourself.

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