(chapter 9) Charlie's lucky day.

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I was restocking the shelves in the candy store.

After a few minutes of doing that Charlie entered the store.

"Hello, Charlie you want the biggest right?" You asked Charlie

"Yes please," Said charlie.

"Here a scrumdiddlyumptious bar," you said handing him the bar and taking the money putting it away.

"Thanks" Charlie thanked you and started to eat is fast.

"Hey, slow down you're going to get a stomach ache if you eat it that fast," you said to Charlie.

he nodded and started to leave "bye!"

you took the Wonka bar of the display.

"you want one for grandpa joe?" You asked Charlie

"yes please." you gave him the Wonka bar and her paid for it.

You watch him leave the store with the Wonka bar in his bag.

"(y/n) are you ok?" asked Bill.

"Yes I am fine," you said to Bill with a big smile on your face.

"Wel you still on the job so go on back to work," said Bill handing you a box of Wonka bars.

Suddenly a woman walked in and said "I want all the Wonka bars in the store!" 

Your whole shift was handing out Wonka bars to everyone who asked for one and most of them were very rude.

~time skip~

You were done with your shift and super tired.

"Wel you guys look happy," you said with a smile when you walked in the house.

"(y/n) I found the last golden ticket!!" Said Charlie handing you the golden ticket.

"I told you that today was going to be a good day for you," you said hugging Charlie.

"So we were thinking since an adult has to come with Charlie." Mom started.

"What if you go to the factory with him, if you want too of course." said mom to you.

"Want to, I would love to!" you said to mom.

"I can't believe that I will finally meet a character my favorite actor played!" You said too hugging Mom.

"Why can't you meet the actor?" asked Charlie.

"Well, he died in 2016 I never got the chance to meet him before it happened, "you said with a sad smile.

"I'm sorry for asking," said Charlie hugging you.

"It's ok but I am going to sleep because I can't wait until tomorrow!"


sorry, this took so long but I wanted to give this chapter a little bit of a twist so we have a self-made up scene.

Also, I did not want (y/n) getting in the way of the "test".

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