𝐟 𝐨 𝐫 𝐭 𝐲 - 𝐭 𝐰 𝐨

164 109 49

When I walked out of the interrogation room, I spotted Perez who was still sitting at the same spot when I went in. "You okay?" He asked as he walked towards me.

I let out a forced chuckle. "You're asking me if I'm okay? Your grandfather just got shot."

He sighed. "I know I should be really worried and sad now, but I can't help but feel..."

"Disappointed?" Perez nodded in response.

"Is it bad that I feel that way?" He ran his finger through his thick black hair, "The thing which he did... abandoning his own child, it's unforgivable."

He's right about that. If the king hadn't done that, I wouldn't be an orphan.

"So I'll ask one of my drivers to bring you back to where you're staying at? I've got to go to the hospital now." He said after a few seconds of silence and I nodded in response.

He fingers briefly brushed my arm and before he walked away with three other bodyguards. I didn't think much of it and walked the other way with another one of his bodyguards.

When I got back to the hotel, it was pass two in the morning so thankfully there was no one at the hotel lobby except for the receptionist who looked at me weirdly when I approached him, which I wasn't expecting any other reaction from him. My hair was ruffled, dress stained with blood, wearing a police jacket and makeup smudged; a total disaster. I had to ask him for another room key as mine is with Efren who was obviously unavailable at the moment.

I was about to walk away when he started talking. "Were you in the same room as the king when he was shot?"

"I was," I replied to him.

"Do you think he's going to make it? The news is saying he was shot twice," he asked another question.

I subtly rolled my eyes in annoyance. My current state clearly screams 'leave me the hell alone'.

I replied to him anyways, "I think he wished he died because his legacy is destroyed."

He folded his arms. "Eighty-two percent wishes he does not make it according to the internet."

"Good to know," I looked at the card from his hand and headed for the lift, showing no emotions.

Once I went into the suite, I immediately checked my phone knowing that Breton and Peter will be checking in after hearing about what happened tonight on the news. When I tried to use my phone, it was dead. So both of them actually called me until my phone was dead.

I decided to take a quick shower while my phone was recharging as I don't want to be wearing the dress stained with Efren's blood any longer. I put my pajamas on, and a towel wrapped around my head to absorb the water from my hair. I turned on my phone and the notifications started flooding in.

56 missed calls and 67 messages from Breton

31 missed calls and 91 messages from Peter

1 message from Nicandro :)

After twenty minutes on the phone with Breton and Peter, and countless reassurance that I will inform them if anything happens. Since Spain will definitely be in chaos of possible protests to dethrone the entire royal family, Breton encouraged me to leave on the next flight to Singapore which is tonight before the situation worsens. I then finally got the chance to get back to Nicandro, I called him instead of texting him because you can't just text someone after they've just witnessed their grandfather getting shot in front of them.

"Hey," I said as soon as he picked up the phone.

"Hi," I could hear footsteps before he started talking again, "You're safe back at the hotel?"

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