Chapter 12

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"3, 2, 1, let it rip!" 

B/N launched into counterclockwise stamina mode. 

Luinor teared up the arena. It looked like it was gonna knock over whatever was in its path!

It slammed into B/N sending it flying.

"Hold on B/N!" I called.

B/N started to wobble.

Was this the end of it all? Luinor spun faster and faster, it looked like it would never stop.

"Now this isn't the best way to crush you is it?" Lui taunted. "I think I'm gonna have some fun with this!" He grinned.

"Time to absolutely crush you! Zone Hammer!" Luinor's top and bottom layers aligned into one dragon. 

"B/N get out of the way!" I called out, but it was no use. Luinor was too fast.

The impact alone was enough to knock me off my feet, and B/N was bursted into 3 parts.

"Lui Shirosagi wins by a score of 4-1!" The referee called.

As the crowd cheered I just stayed there, stunned.

I couldn't believe it, I was no match for Lui. 

He was too strong for me.

I saw a hand being extended to me, I reached out and grabbed it. 

It was Valt. 

"Good battle!" He grinned. "Next time you'll get him for sure."

I knew he was trying to cheer me up, but something about that battle just made me feel disappointed.

Was I disappointed I couldn't win? I couldn't really put my finger on it.

Little did I know that this wouldn't be the last time I would face Lui.

Time skip, about a month...

Valt's POV

It was time for BC Sol's annual training camp in the woods. It was basically like camping, but with beyblade training also. 

As the bus pulled up at the entrance of BC Sol, all of the members were supposed to find a training partner for the trip.

I was planning on just chilling with Free, but Free decided to skip out on the trip this year and look after BC Sol while we were gone. 

Chris allowed him to, but she decided to stay just to make sure Free didn't burn the place down.

Now I technically don't need a partner, as I'm one of the trainers for BC Sol, but like they say, the trainer can learn from the trainee (at least I think they do). 

The only problem there is nobody wanted to be my partner. Not even one of them.

I was told it was because of my intense training, but I thought I was just training like everyone else. Does no one train for beyblade by climbing up water falls, and parkour from rock to rock all with a 30 lb tire on their back?

I sighed as I sat down on the bus.

I heard someone laugh beside me and I looked up, Y/N?

"This seat taken?" She smiled.

"Nope," I replied and sighed again.

"Disappointed your boyfriend Free won't be coming along?" She raised her eyebrow.

"Actually ye- wait Free's not my boyfriend!" I stuttered.

She laughed. "It's okay Valt, just admit it and everyone will accept you for who you are." She patted my shoulder.

"BUT HE'S NOT!" I protested.

"Whatever you say Valt." She answered.

Then I had a light bulb moment, which I don't get very often.

"Y/N?" I asked. "Do you wanna be my training partner?"

"Sure, I don't have anyone else." She responded.

"So I guess I'm just the second option with no one else to pick?" 

She smiled again, "Yes Valt, yes you are." 

I pouted a little as the bus started to move.

We arrived to the campground about an hour and a half later. 

We started unloading our gear. Then I heard an announcement from Chris who had come for the ride but was heading back to BC Sol shortly after.

"Okay so hopefully you all have your partners for the camp." Chris said. "Due to budget, we could only get enough tents for you and your partner, so no solo campers this year." 

"Eh? EH? EH!?" I repeated.

I quickly ran over to Chris, "U-um Chris?"

"Yeah Valt?" She turned.

"U-um Y/N is my partner for this week..." 

"Oh dear," Chris said thoughtfully. "I totally forgot about Y/N, she's the only female blader BC Sol has right now."

After a few minutes of thinking Chris came to a decision. 

"So, our only option is for you two to stay in a tent together!" 

"U-um, I wouldn't have a problem with that but what about Y/N?" I protested.

"Well it already looks like you two are pretty used to each other, I'm sure it will be fine. And who knows, maybe you'll finally get a girlfriend." She winked at me before walking off.

I sighed as I set up our tent. Y/N finished up her job of helping unload things from the bus.

She walked over.

"Valtttttttttt..." She called out.

"Yo!" I greeted her.

"Sooooo, who are you bunking with tonight?" She asked.

"Uh u-um I don't know... who are you bunking with tonight?" I asked.

"Well I was just about to go ask Chris that, so come on!" She dragged me with her.

"Hey Chris! Who am I bunking with tonight, you?" Y/N questioned.

Chris looked at me, I looked away. "So, um our tents don't fit 3 people, and we only have enough for each group to have one..." She said.

"So-?" Y/N said trying to get her to keep moving.

"U-um," Chris said panicking a little. "You'll be sleeping in a tent with Valt I'm afraid."




Hey guys sorry for not uploading in a bit, but I have a question, do you guys have any animes that you suggest I should watch, I kinda like romcom, slice of life, shonen, and harem genres so if you could recommend some, that'd be awesome thanks!

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