Chapter 19

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After Valt's battle, there was no time to rest. They got set for the next intense battle. I was pretty nervous for this win, because I would be facing both Lui and Aiger after this.

"First let's introduce the white knight! The blader who stands alone and is known for crushing people who stand in his way. With Zone Luinor, Lui Shirosagi!"

"And next we have the beyblade world champion! Aiger Akabane!"

Aiger smiled, "It's been a while hasn't it Lui?"

Lui grinned evily, "Save the talking for after a I beat you."

"First battle!"

"So how do you want it?" Aiger asked.

Lui responded cooly, "Head to head, none of that defense stuff, just full power!"

"3, 2, 1, let it rip!!"

They both launched into the arena. Both with incredible speed, both looking for the one hit kill.

Just as they were about to crash...

"They barely miss each other! Because of Luinor's counterclockwise spin it causes the trajectory to be slightly off!"

They wound up again and this time there was no escaping the blows.

"And that's exactly what I want!" Aiger exclaimed, "Achilles! Unison breaker!"

They crashed with extreme power but it looked like Achilles was slowly edging out the left spinning dragon.

Valt slid in the seat next to me. "If you didn't know a counter clockwise bey will always win an exchange head on because it spins the opposite way. However Aiger is using a move that'll barely win the clash."

I rolled my eyes, "Duh, I have a counterclockwise bey too Valt."

He grinned sheepishly, "Oh yeah I forgot..."

Aiger was barely able to edge out the first battle. But in the second battle Lui tied it up with a ring out finish of his own. 

In the third battle both came in not necessarily their hardest as watching Shu and Valt's battle they didn't want their moves being shown off right away.

They fought to the edge. With Aiger barely winning in the end in a contest of stamina.

"2-1! Aiger Akabane wins!" 

There was a short break after that, they would then announce the next match-ups. I didn't matter I already knew I'd face either Aiger of Lui next. I tried my best remain calm but I couldn't help but feel anticipation build up.

Valt was also focusing on who he was going to battle next. After what seemed like an eternity it was time to announce the next battles.

"Okay boys and girls! It's time to see who will be facing each other! In Group A Valt Aoi and Free De La Hoya will battle! In Group B it will be Y/N L/N vs Aiger Akabane!

So here goes my rematch against Aiger. Last time I was able to take a point off of him before he completely bursted me.

I headed over to the waiting room and focused on what I was gonna have to do. Aiger would probably come out in balanced mode which means I should go in with counter-clockwise attack to make sure I had more power.

If he went with attack mode I'd do counter-clockwise stamina mode. But which one would he choose? I wanted to end this fight rather quickly so I would go with attack mode no matter what!

I entered confidently, but suddenly it hit me. I was about to battle the world champion for a spot in the semi-finals if I won! It started to sweat nervously.

Deep breaths, I told myself, deep breaths. There's no such thing as an unbeatable bey. I reminded myself. I thought of things that would make me calm, and for some reason the thing that came up was an image of Valt.

I shook my head, why? But his smile kept flashing in my head. Until I realized, Valt was the only reason I was able to get this strong!

He had been there teaching me since day one, the special training we did was all for this moment! And I wasn't going to let him down!

"First battle!" 

"3, 2, 1, let it rip!" 

I pulled the string as hard as I could! 

"Both beys were launched with incredible power!" The announcer exclaimed.

"B/N! It's time to show them all how much stronger we've gotten!" I smiled.

I could see in the corner of my eye Valt smiling and watching closely. But that was pretty short lived.

"Unison breaker!" Aiger yelled, with Achilles crashing into B/N. B/N started to wobble a little.

Aiger smiled, "This is getting good!" he said excitedly, "But I'm afraid it's all over! Unison Dive!" Achilles glowed bright red and charged at B/N. There was nothing we could do as B/N bursted.

"Aiger Akabane wins by a score of 2-0!"

Aiger extended a hand towards me, "Good battle." he smiled.

I swallowed the lump in my throat, I still wasn't strong enough, "G-good battle." I managed to say. I tried my best to keep my head high, but when I arrived in the waiting room I ran out of the arena.

Valt's POV

"Y/N!" I called out to her as she ran out of the stadium. Just as I was about to chase after her someone put a hand on my shoulder.

It was Shu. "Valt, I know you want to go after her and make sure she's alright but let me do that." He smiled softly. "You still have to beat Free you know that?" 

I nodded, I knew Shu would know how to handle this. Meanwhile I had something just important in front of me. 

My battle against Free!

Thank you guys for reading! I'll try to upload again when I have more free time! Hope you all liked it! Peace <3

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