Chapter 3

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Storm's POV

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I was in my moms private hair studio in our house and she was doing my hair. My flight to Arizona leaves at 10am. So when I get there it'll still be day time since their time is 3 hours behind. I was shaking a bit because I was nervous. Nervous to be on a plane and to be flying on my own. My mom looks at me through the mirror as she grabs the curling iron.

"What's on your mind?" She says and I shake my head.

"Nothing" I breathe out.

"Lie again little girl" she says. I swear that's her line.

"I'm just nervous. And I'll be flying alone" I say looking at her.

"I knew that would be an issue so I hired one of the flight attendants to help you out" she says and I smile.

"Thank you mom" she looks at me and smiles.

Sooner or later I'm finished my hair and head to my room. I look in the mirror and look in the mirror.

"Ok Storm. You cute or whatever" I say sticking my tongue out. I grab my phone and take a picture to post on my Instagram.

Liked by StarBaby, HeavenSent, and 40,142 others ThunderStrom : Arizona here I come ✈️

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Liked by StarBaby, HeavenSent, and 40,142 others
ThunderStrom : Arizona here I come ✈️

As you can see. I had a bit of a following base. I had about 50k followers on Instagram. Only because I liked to take pictures promoting people's clothing brands. And hair companies. Also because of my mom.

I walk over to my stuff double checking that I had everything and nothing was missing. I sit down and squeal in excitement. I can't believe I'll be there for the whole summer. This is definitely gonna be fun. I grab my phone and stalk my husband on Instagram until it's time to go.

Time skip

We were in the car singing along to songs until we arrived at the airport. I looked up and seen a plane fly across causing me to quickly sit back in my seat and close my eyes.

"Storm you'll be fine. To late to back out now. Your ticket is paid for" my mom says getting out of the car.

"Ok storm... you'll be fine. It's a 5 hour ride. Nothing big, you can do this" I say to myself and come out of the car. We grab my suitcases and head inside. My mom walks over to this lady and they hug.

"Karin! Great to see you'" the lady said to my mom and she does the same.... I just stand there confused.

"Storm this is Nancy. We went to school together, she's now a plane attendant" Mom says and I wave at her and she does the same.

STORM | Josh Christopher Where stories live. Discover now