Chapter 24

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Josh's POV

Recap of what happened in his point of view

"Are you guys dating?" I read out. I looked at her and start to think. Am I really about to do this? Am I about to make her my girlfriend on live? I had another idea planned but I don't think I can wait anymore. I look at Storm and she gives me an uneasy look. I can see the nervousness in her eyes.

"We are now" I say and put my arm around her. I look towards the live to see many positive comments, causing me to smile. I look at Storm as she steps back. I look at her confused and I notice her breathing fast. I turn towards her and start to get worried. Suddenly, she starts to fall and I instantly catch her.

"Storm! Are you ok!" I say and pick her up. I walk her towards the living room and lay her down.

"Oh my gosh! What happened?" Heaven says and rushes over. Along with everyone else.

"I don't know she just fainted I think" I say to them. My voice starts to get shaky as I get scared.

"What'd you do?" Star asks me.

"Nothing. All I did was make her my girlfriend" I say to them. Star then looks at Storm and starts laughing. She shakes her head and sigh.

"Storm....I thought you could contain yourself after what happened last time" Star laughs out. I can't even laugh right now due to how scared I am.

"Why are you laughing? She fainted" Luzzy says.

"She fainted because she got to excited. That's what's funny" Star says. She grabs a bottle of water and pours some on Storm's face. She instantly gasps and sits up. I wrap my arms around her and sigh.

"Oh thank god you're ok"

Storm's POV

As Josh wraps his arms around me. I sit there and think. Did I faint....again? Wait.... so that means he actually made me his girlfriend and it wasn't a dream right? Wow....I'm dating my crush. How cool is that.

"Ok you can let go now" I say to him and laugh. He pulls away and smiles. I look at everyone and cover my face.

"Stop staring. You guys are making me nervous" I say and they all laugh and take a seat. I wipe my face that had water on it and sigh.

"Do you remember anything?" Star says and smirks as she sits on Jalen's lap. I blush and nod. I look over at Josh and smile.

"We are now" I mock him and he laughs.

"Oh snap! My live" he says and jumps up to go grab his phone.

"She's ok guys, don't worry. She got to excited about finally being with the drip lord" he jokes and shows my face on the camera.

"Oh please, I did not..." I trail off and look away. He laughs at me.

"It's alright. It's cute" he says and puts his arm around my shoulder.

"Did I faint on your live? That's embarrassing" I say and start to laugh.

"Alright guys. That's all for tonight. By y'all!" He says and starts cheesing hard. He then ends it and puts his phone down. He wraps me up in his arms and leans his head on mine.

"Yay your my girlfriend" he whisperers.

"Yay your my boyfriend" I whisper back. He smiles and kisses my head before resting his head back on mine.

"Alright so are you guys spending the night, or going home?" Melo says to all of us.

"Well we are going home" Mary, Angel, Lex, and Olivia says. We say bye to them as they get up and leave.

"Us too. We are going back to the hotel. Remember morning ball" Mikey says to the boys as He, Dior, Shareef, Shaqir and Sharife leave. Now it's just Me, Josh, Jalen, Star, Heaven, Luzzy, and Melo

"Looks like it's just us" Jalen says.

"Well there's rooms all over so make yourself at home. I'm going to bed early since we got morning ball" Melo says he gets up and hails everyone up, and gives me a hug. Josh and Jalen get up as well and leave with him. I guess they are all going to bed since they have to be up early tomorrow morning.

"So Storm, how does it feel to be with your crush?" Luzzy asks and we come and sit closer together.

"It feels so unreal, I'm kinda happy because it's my first boyfriend" I say to them and they gasp.

"You're first boyfriend?" Star asks.

"Yea. I never had one back in Canada. And my mom is pretty strict, she wouldn't have let it happen" I say to them.

"Well all I gotta tell you is don't do anything dumb or something you'll regret. I already lectured Star" Heaven says giving Star a look. Star looks away and does a little laugh.

"I should beat your ass again" She says and Star flinches. Me and Luzzy laugh at her.

"I said I was sorry already big sis. Plus it's Storm you gotta pay close attention to now" She says and flips the script on me. Oh no you don't!

"No I'm not like that. You don't gotta worry about me" I say to her.

"Well it's getting late, we should all head off to bed" Luzzy says. We say goodnight to each other and walk around trying to find a room. I spot Josh in one of them and walk in closing the door. I'll just sleep with him. I put my phone down on the table beside the bed and lay down. He turns around and smile once he sees me. He gets closer and pulls me into his arms. I snuggle beside him and sigh.

"What a day huh" he says and I nod.

"It's one to remember" I say back.

"I can't believe I had the guts to make you my girlfriend, then and there. I was nervous" he says and I laugh a bit.

"As you can see I was the nervous one" I say to him. He looks down and kisses me. I kiss back and hug him.

"Goodnight Gorgeous"

"Goodnight Gup"

He's my boyfriend!

STORM | Josh Christopher Where stories live. Discover now