Chapter 8

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Strom's POV

As I'm dancing. I see a figure in front of me. I stand up and and look all the way up and gasp. Jalen Green. Who knew he was this fine. He smiles at me and looks at Star.

"Oop" I say and stand to the side. She smiles and looks at him. Oh she's sooo into him.

"Hi Star" he says.

"Hey Jalen" she says to him. They stand there silently just staring. I look at both of them waiting for something to be said. Ok I'll say something.

"Hey! I'm Star's cousin Strom" I put my hand out and shake it.

"Hey I'm Jalen. Nice to meet you" we shake hands.

"So Jalen. What brings you here?" I ask him.

"Umm I wanted to ask Star to dance. And maybe get her number" he says and rubs his hands. I look at her and she laughs a bit.

"Jalen you gotta try way harder then that. It's not gonna be easy to get me" She says and grabs my hand walking away.

"Star are you crazy? You just curved Jalen Green!" I say very shocked. If he's here then that means the other ballers are here too.

"Don't worry I might accept him next time" she laughs and I shake my head. We get back to dancing and I start milly rocking and rocking side to side. As I'm doing so I do a turn but fail and was about to fail. Good job Storm.

As I was going down. Someone catches me. I open my eyes and smile. Well, what a great way to see someone.

"Storm" he says.

"Josh" I smiled. I start to blush as I stand back up.

"I think it's a sign that we keep seeing each other" he says.

"I think so too" I say to him. We stare at each other and I just look into his eyes. Corny I know.

"So Josh, who's your friend?" Shareef comes and says. The other boys look at me and wave. I smile at them all. I can't believe I'm meeting all of them right now.

"Guys this is Storm. Storm, this is Shareef, Dior? Sharife C, Mikey, Shaqir, my bro Caleb, Rj, and Melo" he says and I wave at them. They all say hi, and hello. I look at Star and see her and Jalen talking. She definitely likes him.

Bust down starts playing and the boys start yelling. Shaqir gets in the middle and makes a face. He starts doing the dance and we hype him. I grab my phone and record him while laughing. Josh then comes in my camera frame and does dance the dance.

"Go Josh! Go Josh! Go Josh" I yell and he smiles at me. I put my phone away and walk into the middle where Shaqir was. I stand beside him and do the dance. Josh records me and then I do the crip walk. When I walk out circle they cheer and I smile. These parties are lit! It stared to get hot and I needed air. Star was busy and I didn't wanna go outside by myself, so I grabbed Josh's hand and brought him outside with me.

I have no idea where I got this boldness from because I definitely wouldn't do something like this. But being around Josh made me feel comfortable, and I can be myself around him. Especially him being my crush I'm surprised i'm not so nervous.

"Sorry I just needed some air. It's hot in there" I say fanning myself because it's hot.

"It's all good. It was getting a little stuffy in there. Your lit though" he says and I laugh a bit.

STORM | Josh Christopher Where stories live. Discover now