Chapter 63

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Storm's POV

The day has come, the day I leave Arizona. Who knows when I'll be back, if I ever come back. I stood in the room that belonged to me for a few months, wow I'm gonna miss it. It was nice while it lasted...

"You ok?" Star asked leaning on the frame of the door. I turned to face her.

"Yea, just taking another look before I never see it again" I say to her.

"Don't say that. You're gonna be back soon. I know it" she says and starts to walk over to me. I look at her and smiled.

"Thank you for everything Star. Really, from the start to now. If it wasn't for you, I wouldn't be here now. Thanks for pushing me to come here. I appreciate and love you so much" I say to her feeling tears come to the brim of my eyes. The same happens to her and we pull each other into each other's arms hugging one another tightly.

"I gonna miss you so much" I hear her say, her voice cracking.

"We can always FaceTime each other. Just like how we did before, and no matter what we are always there for each other" I say to her and she nods. We pull away and I walk over to the bed zipping my suitcase closed. She takes a seat on the bed then my auntie walks in and smiles at me sadly.

"My Stormy is leaving already" she says hugging me.

"Thank you auntie. For everything" I say to her.

"Of course honey. Your basically one of my own. Remember if you wanna come back your always welcomed here" she says and kisses my forehead. As she looks at me. Her phone goes off causing her to groan.

"I'm sorry honey but work calls. I'll call you and your mother later. Have a safe flight" she says and I nod. We hug one last time before she leaves. I grabbed my suitcase and sighed. Star looked at me and frowned.

"Storm, please don't go" she says as a tear falls. I walk over to the bed and sit beside her grabbing a hold of her hand.

"Star, no matter how far I am we got each other. You know that" I say to her now feeling like crying.

"I know. It's just, you being here brought back memories from when we used to live together" she says. It really did. I really wished I didn't have to go.

"Storm. Their must be something we can do for you to stay" she says.

"Star, you know if there was something it would have already been done" I say to her.

"You know I'm the queen of coming up with great ideas. Just give me a few minutes and I can come up with something" she says and I shake my head sadly. No matter what she did. My mother was waiting for me at home. She will not let me stay here, I just know it. As we sat there, we heard a honk. Which means Heaven is here. Which also means it's time for me to go to the airport.

We both get up and I take one last look. Bye room, you'll be missed. We grabbed my stuff and head downstairs then out the door towards the car. We put my stuff in the trunk then sit in the car. Heaven drives off and I look out the window.

"Everyone is gonna meet us at the airport Storm" Heaven says to me, looking at me through the mirror.

"Alright" I say to her.

"You're thinking about him aren't you" She says and I look at her.

"Huh?" I say.

"You're playing with your necklace. Have you talked to him since...." she trailed off and I shook my head. She sighs and Star looks at me.

"I'm pretty sure he'll be at the airport. He can't let you leave without saying a proper goodbye" she says. I hope he's there.

30 minutes later, we arrive at the airport and my heart rate raises. I can't believe this is really happening. We park the car and grab my stuff. As we walk inside I see many people. I frown when I see everyone. They frown as well and we walk towards each other.

STORM | Josh Christopher Where stories live. Discover now