Chapter 44

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Storm's POV

I looked at the time and it read 12:00. I groaned and rolled onto my side. Ugh I have to get up and I'm so comfortable. I look to my left and see Josh's face very close to mine. He was still sleeping. I smiled and leaned over to kiss his nose. He groans and turns around. I laughed a bit and grab my phone off the charger. As I unlock it, I see a message from Star.

Get your ass up! We got a lunch to get to

Good morning to you too. I'm getting up right now.

Star ⭐️🤞🏾
Yea whatever. Just be ready by 1

Well someone is cranky this morning. I rolled my eyes and threw the covers off of me. I turned around and my eyes immediately went wide and I covered my mouth. No...FREAKING....WAY!

"Josh..." I say slowly and look down at his pants. Omg! Omg! Omg!

He doesn't answer and continues to sleep. Uh... what do I do??? I stand up and just look at him. Who would've thought...he's packing.

"Josh!" I say a little louder and he hums. He slowly opens his eyes and looks at me. He looks down and quickly sits up. He looks at me then looks back down. I cross my arms and hide my face as I try not to laugh. It's kinda funny to me.

"Storm I-I" he stutters and looks at me.

"It's ok, no need to be embarrassed. It happens" I say and bite the inside of my cheek trying to hold in my laughter. The bulge in his pants was so big it printed through his black shorts. Is it selfish to say it's all mine?

"So what caused it?" I ask him and take a seat in front of him. I see him bite his lip and look away.

"I had a dream..." he said and scratched his head. I squinted my eyes at him.


"You" he mumbles out but I still hear it. I look away and make a face so he doesn't see. Josh Christopher had a dream ABOUT ME OMG!!!

"Oh..." I say and look back at him. I caused that...I caused him to do that?

"Yea...." he says slowly and uses his hand to cover himself.

"So... what was that dream about?" I ask him now a bit curious.

"You know, just us together, doing certain stuff" he says lowly and looks the other direction.

"It'll become reality someday. Just not now" I say to him and he nods. I lean over and peck his lips.

"Whenever your 100%" he says and I nod. I stand up and walk away to the bathroom.

I grab my toothbrush putting tooth paste on it and start to brush my teeth. I look in the mirror and smirk to myself. How was I able to have that effect on Josh? I wonder what exactly happened in that dream. Storm, we both know what happened in that dream, you were giving him that good good. As I finish brush my teeth, I wash my face and also use the bathroom. I walk out and Josh instantly walks in and closes the door. Ok...

I walked to my room and pulled out an outfit. I put on a yellow set which was a yellow crop tank with yellow stacked pants. And paired it with my yellow visor and white Air Forces. I sat down and did my makeup and put on some jewelry. Once I was done I sprayed some perfume on and grabbed my purse. As I do so, Josh walks back in the room. I look down then look up again.

"What'd you do?" I ask him a bit confused.

"I got rid of it" he says. I don't get it..........oh.

STORM | Josh Christopher Where stories live. Discover now