Chapter 22

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Storm's POV

"Drip too hard, don't stand to close" Me and Luzzy rapped as she recorded us. We were all at a pool party that LaMelo was throwing. He rented out this big house for the summer and has been staying here in Arizona with his family. Me and him weren't really close like that but recently we've been hanging out just getting to know each other. He seems cool and has a chill vibe. Something I liked, but he also had a little hyper side to him. He's a very unpredictable person.

The girls were in the pool and the boys were around doing different things. There was many other people here that I didn't know as well. But when we walked in, we all greeted each other. So I guess I'm acquainted with everyone.

"Are you guys good? Do you want anything?" Melo asks walking over to us. I'm not gonna lie and say Melo isn't cute. He's pretty fine actually. But my heart has been locked by Josh for a very long time. And I don't feel like giving it away.

"No we're good" Luzzy says to him.

"This party is lit though" I say to him as he takes a seat at the end of my chair.

"It's lit but the two of you are over here laying on the chairs singing along to songs. Why don't you go mingle or swim" he suggests. I shrug and look and look at Luzzy.

"I mean I guess we could. I'm gonna go make some new friends" Luzzy says and gets up walking over to these boys. This girl...

"Cmon Storm, lets go have a dip in the pool" He says and I shake my head. I didn't feel like getting wet. And I was feeling pretty cute right now.

"No Mel" I say to him. He sighs and stands up. He quickly grabs me and throws me onto his shoulder.

"MELO NO! PUT ME DOWN!" I yell and see some heads turn to us. I hear a few laughs.

"I'll put you down if you find yourself in the water by yourself" he says.

"Boy! I'll snap you into two with your skinny ass self. Put me down LaMelo!" I say sternly and hear him laugh.

"Suit yourself" He shrugs and jumps in the water with both of us causing a huge splash. I swim to the surface and rub my eyes. I look at Melo and punch him in his arm.

"I should beat your ass!" I say to him and he throws his arms on me.

"You can try, it won't do much since your weak sis" he says sassily. I couldn't help but laugh and swim away from him. I go towards Star and Lex and hold onto Lex.

"Took you long enough to come in the water" she says smiling at me.

"So you and Melo" Star jokes and roll my eyes.

"Girl don't do that. We're just friends. Plus, I got Gup" I say and look in his direction. He and the other boys are on the other side of the pool playing water basketball, Melo has joined them as well. Josh makes a dunk and starts yelling while patting his chest. This boy...

"He's kinda cute...." Lex trails off staring at Melo.

"Shoot ya shot sis. He's single" I say to her and she sips her drink.

"I'll think about it" She says and we laugh at her. She's a little scaredy cat. As we talk, Luzzy, Angel, and Heaven soon joins us. Then some other girls as well. We all have a big conversation until the basketball is thrown at us. It lands in front of me and splashed me a bit.

"Storm, I dare you to shoot it from there!" Jalen says. I walk up a little more, then shoot it. It goes in and everyone cheers. I smile and start clapping. It would've been embarrassing if I missed lol.

"Mini Gup can shoot!" Shaqir yells. They go over to Josh and start teasing him and splashing water at him. He looks at me and winks. I laugh and smirk back at him.

"Guys come play. Boys vs Girls. Whoever loses has to buy the other team food" Melo says. I look at the others and we all look at each other.

"Let's kick some ass. I'm not giving up the offer of free food" Star says and walks over to them. I laugh and we all walk over to them. The other people that aren't in the water turn and watch the game.

"Ladies First" Shareef says to Heaven. She smirks and shakes her head. She goes forward and he leans towards her. She fakes it and moves back shooting the ball and it goes in. We cheer and Shareef has a shocked look on his face.

"I played back in high school"She says and he smirks nodding.

"Alright girls have 2 points. Whoever makes it to 20 first wins" Jalen yells and we all nod. Let the games begin.

Time skip to half an hour

"Pass the ball to me" Star says. One of the other girls, who's name I learned was Olivia, passes the ball to Star. Star goes towards the net and jumps shooting the ball. She fails cause Jalen slaps it out of her hand.

"Ugh Jalen" She says and he laughs kissing her cheek. We were currently tied to 18-18. Whoever makes the next shot wins.

Dior gets the ball and throws it towards Sharife. Luzzy catches it and goes past him. She looks around and passes it to me since I'm the closet to the net. I catch it and was about to shoot it till Josh comes in front of me.

"You can't get past me Stormy. I'm faster then The Flash" he teases and I laugh.

"We'll see about that Joshy" I try to go around him and fake it. He falls for it but quickly comes back and grabs me from the back of my waist. I quickly shoot the ball and it goes around in the net. goes in and we cheer. The girls run towards me and we all cheer. We look over at the boys and they look confused.

"What just happened? I'm not processing" Melo says and scratches his head.

"I think we just lost" Mikey says.

"How'd we lose to none ballers?" Dior asked.

"No, how'd we lose to girls" Shaqir says and I stick my tongue out at him

"We beat you guys period" I said and us girls cheer again.

"So what are we gonna eat girls?"A girl named Mary with bright red hair asks.

"Umm, Pizza?" Olivia suggests and we agree with her. The boys all sigh and the girls continue to cheer and tease them. Josh walks over to me and I meet him half way.

Josh's POV

"Look at you, making the winning shot. I didn't know you were a lowkey baller" I say looking down at her. She looks up at me and smirks.

"Well I mean, I did learn from the best" she says and wraps her arms around my neck. I chuckle and rest my arms around her hips.

"You got that right" I say cockily and lean down. We kiss and she starts smiling.

That's my girl...!

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