Chapter 6

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Storm's POV

It was now 7. After Jahlil did both of mine and Star's nails we stayed and had conversation with him. I learned that he was our age and did nails and hair. He does Star's hair which definitely means he's good because her hair and nails always look good.

After we left his house, we had to go to the Chinese Buffet for dinner. Star texted her mom saying to go there and get us a table because we are on our way. While in the car, me and Star have conversation.

"So how does your second day of being here feel?" She asks me turning down the music.

"I'm really enjoying it so far. This is one idea you had that didn't back fire" I say to her and she laughs nodding.

"The fun hasn't started yet girl. You just wait and see" she smirks and I nod. She's right. It's only my second day. We have a lot to do.

30 minutes later we arrive at the restaurant. When we walk in the smell of Chinese food brings a smile to my face. I can't wait to stuff my face! We walk to the front desk and there's a man at the computer. He looks at Star and quickly fixes himself. She turns back to look at me and roll her eyes. I laugh at her and shake my head.

"H-Hi welcome to Chinese Buffet. How can I help you?" He stutters a bit and stares at her.

"Table reservation for Star" she says and he nods.

"Right this way beautiful" he says and I hold in my laugh. She sighs and we follow him to the table where my auntie is. Once we are there he pulls out the chair for Star. She sits down and I sit down as well.

"Enjoy" he smiles and she waves him off looking in the other direction. He walks away almost bumping into the wall. I finally start laughing and look towards Star.

"He was so into you" I say and she fake yawns.

"Not my type. He was trying to hard" she says and I shake my head.

"So how was your day girls?" My auntie asks.

"It was good. The mall was nice. Star basically bought out the whole mall. Then we went to Jahlil and got our nails done" I say to her and we show off our nails. She looks at them and smiles admiring them.

"Star tell Jahlil I'm coming to get mine done soon" she says and Star nods.

"Ok I don't know about you guys but I'm hungry. Sooo let's get some food" Star claps and we all get up. We walk to the centre and each grab a plate. There's so many options, I don't know what to pick.

As I'm walking around looking at the different food, I'm not paying attention to where I'm walking. I bump into someone and almost make them drop there plate.

"Oh my gosh I'm so sorry. Please forgi-" I say looking up but stop once I realize who it is. The one and only, Josh Christopher.

"Well if it isn't Storm. Looks like we see each other again" He says and smile. His smile makes me melt.

"Yea I guess we do. So you like Chinese food?" I say and smile back him. Ok Storm, keep this confidence.

"Yea I do. I'm pretty glad my plate didn't drop though, can't waste good food like this" he jokes and I laugh a bit.

"Sorry again"

"It's all good. Your plate seems empty though" he says and we start to slowly walk.

"There's so much. It's hard to pick" I look at the whole buffet. He looks at me and shrugs.

"Why don't you just get a little bit of everything?" He says and I think. I can do that. So that's what I did. I grab a little bit of everything. Not to much though, I don't wanna look like a pig in front of him.

Once I'm done I walk back to him. I guess he waited, he stayed and watched me anyways.

"I forgot to say, I like your outfit. Very chill with a splash of drip" he says and I turn my head a bit blushing. Girl he can't see you blush your brownskin.

"Thank you. I like yours too" I say laughing a bit taking in what he's wearing. A pink bape sweater with a white T-shirt and black sweatpants with some vans. And he was wearing his glasses. I love when he wears his glasses.

"I mean you know how it is. Gotta stay fresh" he says and I smile. He smiles back at me.

"Well Ms.Storm I think I should get back to my table now. It was nice seeing you for the second time" he says and I nod. He gives me a side hug and then leaves. I walk to my table with the biggest smile on my face.

"What's with the smile? And what took you so long?" Star asks. I look at her and blush again.

"Josh is here" I say and she gasps.

"Who's Josh?" My auntie asks.

"Storm has a crush on this kinda famous basketball player. She loves him" she emphasizes on the love.

"Oooo what does he look like?" She asks and I pull out my phone and show her my lock screen.

"You met him already? When was this?"

"The first night I got here. We were getting food and he was there with his brother" I say to her.

"When she seen him she fainted and I had to pour water on her face for her to wake up" Star starts laughing and so does her mom. I soon join in the laughing thinking about it. It is kinda funny.

"Wow Storm. Well if you get to know him more and hang out. You got a chance with him" my auntie winks at and I shake my head.

"I'm not allowed to date. If my mother found out she'll kill me and send me back home" I say and she waves her hand.

"Girl you sound just like your mother when she was younger. If her feelings were strong towards certain things. She went for it. Plus your mother won't know. I can keep my mouth shut" she winks and Star nods.

I guess they have a point. The only way my mom can find out is if they told her. But they won't. So I shouldn't have nothing to worry about.

"Let's just see what happens in the future" I say and they nod. We continue to eat our meals and have conversation. This brought back old times which made me happy. As we talked I couldn't stop thinking.

Do I have a chance with Josh?

STORM | Josh Christopher Where stories live. Discover now