Chapter 16

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Storm's POV

"Oh Storm you're the most beautiful girl I've ever seen. I want you in my life forever. Will you marry me?"

"Yes Chris Brown I'd marry you"

"Oh Storm have my children please"

"Oh of course Chris, I'll give you as many as you want"

"I want a whole team-"

A pillow is slapped in my face and I'm knocked out of my dream. If someone messes with my sleep. One. More. Time. I swearrrrr. I slowly look up to see Luzzy smiling at me with a pillow in her hand.

"Luzzy. Can you start waking me up like a normal person. Maybe yelling my name wouldn't be bad" I suggest and roll my eyes.

"Girl you already know I'm not no regular person. I'll try that tomorrow though" she says and giggles. I get up and she comes to sit beside me.

"Are you ok?" She asks.

"Yea I am, why wouldn't I be?" I ask her and she shrugs. I smile and hug her. She hugs me back and laughs a bit.

"Thanks for checking up on me" I say to her and she nods.

"What are friends for?" She says and I smile. It felt really good to have a friend. Maybe when I get back to Canada, I might consider making some.

"Oh good your up. We are going to the pool so get dressed" Heaven says walking in my room.

"Isn't there a pool inside this cottage?" I ask her

"Yea there is but I wanna be outside" she says and I sigh.

"I wanna swim inside. I'll swim inside once you guys are done outside" I say to her and she nods. Luzzy leaves with Heaven and I walk towards the bathroom with my towel. I take my clothes off and turn on the water getting ready to get clean. Once I'm done, I hop out and walk over to the sink brushing my teeth.

Once I'm done everything, I walk back to the room and think. Hmmm, what to wear. I'm going to be swimming after so might as well just wear my bathing suit. I grab my brown Louis Vuitton tube 2 piece with the matching headband and put it on. I then grab a pair of shorts to wear over it. I grab my phone and slide my slides on and head downstairs.

"Finally you're done. You took years" Angel says and I laugh a bit. We walk out and walk towards the pool. I look around and see no one there. Yay I guess we have it to ourselves. We put our stuff down on the long chairs and they lay their towels out. I lay on one of the long chairs and sigh. The sun was pretty bright today and I felt like I was going blind.

"Star can I borrow your glasses?" I ask her.

"Psh no. This goes with my outfit. Where's yours?" She asks and I kiss my teeth.

"Cmon you're gonna be in the water. Can I borrow it just for a little bit" she rolls her eyes and hands them to me. I blow her a kiss and laugh while she walks away. I close my eyes and put the glasses on. A nice little nap wouldn't hurt.

Time skip to 5 minutes

As I was sleeping, I heard a various of voices come closer. Why do they sound familiar? And why are they so loud? Can't a girl get some sleep around here?

I open my eyes and see the boys. YOU'VE GOT TO BE KIDDING ME. Why? WHY? Whyyyyyyyyy???? Out of all of the things they could be doing right now. They want to come to the pool? Go play basketball or something. You know what. I'll just pretend like they aren't here. Hopefully the girls do the same.

"Hey guys!" Luzzy yells and I mentally roll my eyes. This girl. They all say hey and put they're stuff down. They all go in the pool and have conversation with the girls. It still looks like I'm sleeping so I shall continue to make them believe that. I don't want to be bothered, especially by him. I close my eyes again and feel myself get tired again. Alright, time to get some shut eye.

"Storm, can we talk?" A nap, a nap. That's all I wanted to do. ALL I WANTED TO DO IS TAKE A NAP. IS THAT SO MUCH TO ASK FOR? I turn my head and see Josh sitting on one of the chairs across from me.

"Talk about what?" I say bluntly.

"About what happened at the party" he says and I sigh. The last thing I wanted to think about or even talk about was brought up.

"There's nothing to talk about. You did what you did. It's not an issue because you and I aren't together" I say.

"Together or not, it was still wrong and I want to apologize" he says. I sigh and look down.

"Why now?" I ask and he gives me a confused look.

"Why now what?"

"Why apologize now? After it happened weeks ago?" I ask him. You see I wouldn't be so mad if we talked about this sooner. But him taking this long showed me he didn't care. Which only made me feel bad.

"I wasn't ready. And I had to take time to figure out how I really feel. Storm I'm really sorry, I really am. Can you please forgive me?" He begs. I sigh and roll my eyes. Why can't I stay mad at you? I wish I wasn't madly in love with you.

"Fine I forgive you" I say and he instantly smiles. He gets up and literally tackles me into a hug laying on me. I try soooo hard not to smile but sadly fail. I wrap my arms him and melt into the hug. Ugh I missed him. His body close to mine. His scent. Everything.

"Awww cuties!" The one and only Star yells. We both laugh and he gets up sitting beside me.

"So are we good now?" He asks and I nod.

"Good because I missed talking to you" He says and I start to blush. It's still unbelievable how I'm around my Instagram crush. I'll never get over that. Like never.

"I'm gonna go swimming in the indoor pool. Wanna come?" I ask him and he nods. We both get up and start to walk back to the cottage. As we were walking, I felt eyes on the back of me.

Is Josh watching my ass?

STORM | Josh Christopher Where stories live. Discover now