Chapter 38

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Storm's POV

We got to Heaven's house and settled in. All of the boys went home to their families so we decided to meet up later. Heaven's penthouse was extremely beautiful. I was in love with the place.

We each got our own room, so we made sure to pack our stuff away

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We each got our own room, so we made sure to pack our stuff away. I laid down on the bed and went on my phone. I was texting my mom and auntie letting them know we arrived safely in LA, until I got a message from Josh.

So I was thinking, we spend the day together. And then we go to dinner. How does that sound?

That sounds great! I look forward to it.

Man, I can't believe you're in my hometown. The place I grew up, I have so much to show you😊

I'm excited to see another side of you. The side of you no one else sees

Trust me. You're gonna love this side😉

I believe I am☺️

Get ready, I'll be over soon



I look at the time and it read 1:00. Ok I should get ready now. I get up and head to the bathroom to take a shower. I hum a nice tune as the water hits my skin. Who doesn't like a nice warm shower? It's so relaxing. After cleaning myself I get out and wrap my towel around me. I walk back into my room and put my undergarments on.

"Hmm let's see......." I say it myself as I look for an outfit. I grab a red tube top and black sweatpants shorts. I then pair it with my Jordan 4s. We are going to keep it casual but cute today. I grab my necklace and put it on, along with my rings and bracelets. My hair is already up so I guess I'll just keep it that way. I put on my makeup and some lip gloss. Once I'm done, I spray myself with some perfume. I look in the mirror and smile.

"'re so bad! Like wow" I say to myself and do a few poses. I laugh and then I hear a knock on my door. I walk towards it and see Josh. We look at each other and then look at our

"You're really my girlfriend" he says and let's out a laugh. I giggle and nod my head. We were wearing similar outfits. He was wearing a red hoodie, black shorts, and the same shoes.

"Well what can I say, great minds think alike"I say to him and wrap my arms around his body. He smiles and hugs me. I hug him back and we rock side to side. I don't know what it was but I felt like I haven't hugged him in forever!

"All mine" he says and kisses my forehead. I look down and start to blush. He's the sweetest. As I look down, I look at his socks and gasp.

"Is that Rihanna on your socks?" I ask him and start to laugh. I knew he loved her, but this much? Oh wow.

"Yes! Do you like them?" He asks and starts to cheese hard.

"I do, but I really don't wanna look at you and always see Rihanna around your ankles" I say to him.

"I had a feeling you were going to say something" he said and put his backpack down. He pulled out a white pair of socks and switched them.


"Better" I giggled and sat down. He sits down beside me and holds my hand.

"Isn't it crazy that it's only been a month and half that we been together?" He asks me and my eyes go wide. Only a month and a half?

"Wow, it felt longer. And we've been through so much already" I say to him. He nods and smiles at me. He lifts up my chin with his finger and looks into my eyes.

"It's been one of the best months and a half I've ever had"I look at him and bite my lip as I try to hold in my tears. He was right, it was the best. Especially for me. It hurts to know that sooner or later it might all end.

"The best" I say to him and kiss his lips. I pull away and stand up.

"Come on, lets go and enjoy our day" he gets up and we walk out of my room and head downstairs. I see Star on the couch asleep with a bowl of popcorn in her hand and a piece of popcorn in her mouth. We laugh at her and I grab the blanket and cover her with it. We leave and make our way to his car and get in. He pulls out of the drive way and starts driving. I grab his phone and decided to take pictures of myself on his phone.

"Post those. And if you don't, I'll let the world know how beautiful you are myself" he says and takes a glance at me. I blush and go on his account and post them.

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Liked by Cayewoo, Quavohuncho, and 533,765 others@Jaygup: It's Thundergup here⚡️🐠 just wanted to say hi to you guys and Josh wanted me to post these😂💕

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Liked by Cayewoo, Quavohuncho, and 533,765 others
@Jaygup: It's Thundergup here⚡️🐠 just wanted to say hi to you guys and Josh wanted me to post these😂💕

View all comments...

@Cayewoo: look at my sister in law👀💙
@Fan1: are they getting married? ^
@Fan2: oh I hope they do☺️
@Shareefoneal: @Fan2 I hope they do as well☺️^
@Fan2: omg Shareef I LOVE YOU ^
@Quavohuncho:Yerrr I'ma play along, wouldn't their kids be cute?
@Fan3: YESSS @Quavohuncho ^
@Shaqironeall: Yea @Quavohuncho
@Jalen: Oh definitely @Quavohuncho
@Mikey: Ayo @ThunderStorm make me an uncle already!
@Cayewoo: me too! ^
@Jalen: me three ^
@Sharifecooper: me four ^
@Melo: me five ^
@Starbaby: Comments are going crazy😂😂😂
@HeavenSent: You guys are hilarious 😂
@Hater1: you guys they haven't been together for that long🙄
@Melo: @Hater1 don't be mad cause your miserable and single
@Cayewoo: Melo said it best 😂 ^

"I suggest you check your comments later" I say to him and put his phone down. He glances at me and gives me a look.


"Let's just say, no one will be becoming an uncle anytime soon" I laugh out and he shakes his head. I look out the window and laugh to myself.

Man, we got some weird ass friends.

STORM | Josh Christopher Where stories live. Discover now