Chapter 57

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Storm's POV

"MELO! GET OFF OF ME!" I yelled into the pillow. Today was the day of the party and everyone was out getting ready. Melo and I already done our part of helping out so we came back to my place to chill. I of course was napping like usual and he had the nerve to jump on me. How can someone so skinny be so heavy.

"No, wake up I'm bored" he says laying on me.

"I'm gonna beat your ass" I say and I hear him laugh.

"I'd like to see you try" he says and I groaned. I honestly didn't feel like fighting him. I just wanted to sleep.

"Stormmmmmm. Get upppp bro" he drags out. I close my eyes and try to fall asleep again. I feel Melo poke me as he kept repeating my name. He then pokes my butt. I reach over and slap him in his forehead.

"Boy if you don't chill out. I'll call Josh on you and we will both tag team on your ass" I say and I hear Melo laugh.

"That fish lipped boy? Bro I'd crush you and him" he says and I start to laugh at the joke he made. Hey, I like that fish lipped boy.

"And owww that hurt" he says rubbing his forehead.

"Good, it was supposed to" I rolled my eyes and finally got up.

"Yay she's up" he cheers. I look at him and shake my head smiling. He's such a child.

"I'm gonna use the bathroom I'll be back" I say and he nods. I get up walking over to it and I close the door. I sit on the toilet and do my business. As I do so, I hear my phone go off.

"Was that my phone?" I yell.

"Yea" Melo yelled back.

"Check it for me" I yelled. I waited for a response but didn't get one. That's weird.

Once I'm done, I wash my hands then walk out. I walk back into my room to see Melo staring at my phone.

"You're leaving?" He asks.

"What do you mean?" I ask nervously. Please don't be thinking what I'm thinking.

"You're leaving Arizona to go back to Canada?" He says and looks up. He had a mix of sadness and a little bit of anger. No no no!!!! He wasn't supposed to know. No one was supposed to know. Well at least not yet. I grabbed my mom and saw a message from my mom.

Hey sweetie, you got less then two weeks left. I'll be booking your flight soon. I can't wait to have you back home😊

"Melo I-"

"Just answer the question Storm" he says in a sad tone. I sighed and sat beside him.

"Yes, I'm leaving" I say now feeling sad. It hurt more to say it out loud.

"But why? I thought you liked it here" He says.

"I do. I'm actually so happy to be here. It's just, I have a life back in Canada that I sorta can't leave" I semi lied. I could care less about my life back in Canada. I just didn't wanna leave my mom, and I know she wouldn't let me stay either.

"But if you're so happy here, why leave?" He asks and I shrug. My eyes get watery and I feel a tear fall out my eye.

"Shhh don't cry" he says and pulls me in for a hug.

"Please don't say anything to anyone about this. I'm not ready to share it" I say and he nods.

"This will be our secret. It just means we have to create more memories and have the most fun before you go" he says I nod. He wipes my face with his thumb and smiles.

STORM | Josh Christopher Where stories live. Discover now