I Get Sick Of The Shithole Once And For All

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Again, I'm sorry for the last chapter.

                Lovina's POV

   When I woke up, I noticed all the bruises and deep cuts all over my body. I was in my bed, and no one was there. Well, fuck.

   For some shitty reason, I found myself going to Antonio. Not even Maddie, who's basically a sister to me, but Antonio, whom I've only known for like a week or two.

   When I went above water, I realized it was night, which would explain why no one was out when I got out of bed.

   Although it's night, I don't give a goddamn shit. "Antonio!" I called, hearing now how shaky my voice was. Damn, I didn't realize I was crying and shaken up so badly.

   I called for him I don't know how many times, not caring how panicked I sounded. After what seemed like fucking forever, Antonio came.

   "Lovi?" He asked. Then his eyes widened when he noticed I was crying, had ugly marks all around me, and how much fear was in me.

   Of course the bastard picked me up and held me close, the bastard. "No llores mi amor," he cooed.

   "C-can I p-please stay h-here for now?" I whimpered. "Of course you can Mi tesoro," he assured me.

   When he walked me to the house and his room, turning on a candle, he examined my bruises and well, nasty  looking cuts. "Who did this to you Mi tomate?" He asked.

   I hesitated. "A shark," I lied. "Doesn't look like a shark," he replied. "I-It's none of your damn business nosy bastard," I snapped. He chuckled. "Ah, there's the Lovi I know and love." "Cheesy bastard," I mumbled, blushing.

   We just stayed there like that. I was in his lap (probably for the millionth time) in his arms, while he whispered caressingly shit in Spanish. Then, when I started falling asleep, he mated me down on one side of the bed while the cheesy bastard spooned me. That sweet, idiotic bastard.

                 Gilbert's POV

   As much as Lov could be a moody bitch, I still didn't think she deserved such a painful fate.

Birdie insisted that we go visit her, and for the last two days, we have. Although she would've forced me to go with her wether I liked it or not, in the end, I did go willingly. Hell, sometimes I'd go there alone without Birdie reminding me to go visit Lov.

And let me tell you, Lov looked like shit. She had terrible bruises, dried blood that we cleaned but would reopen again, and the fact that she looked so fragile, so weak, so vulnerable. I was furious at the assholes who did this to Lov.

We went to visit Lov today, but she wasn't there. Of course, none of the bitches here noticed since they don't give a whale's shit. In fact we were the ones who healed her minor wounds, who were trying to nurse her, not those little shits of the castle.

Anyways, when we saw Lov wasn't there, birdie panicked. Knowing Lov though and being pretty alike her in ways, she probably woke up and left the shithole. Where to, I don't know.

"Birdie don't worry, Lov probably just left the shithole to escape it, maybe she'll come back." I reassured her. Then she told me Lov had been seeing a human, who she's totally in love with by the looks of it, and is probably there right now. I mean who wouldn't be after not fucking each other for 2 days straight?

So first, we went to this mysterious lady named Circe the sorceress. Ja, she is supposedly the one who cursed Lov, but apparently, no hate. She gave us some awesome necklaces for the awesome us to go on land, and one extra for Lov if we find her there, or to give her when the plan takes place.

And well, now that it's been a whole day and a half and she still hasn't come back, we're going to find her, or at least were she's staying at. Lov should consider herself lucky that awesomeness will find her.

Apart from birdie knowing of this lover boy, birdie didn't know shit, so we're kinda screwed right now.

But just because of that, the awesome me wasn't going to give up on this quest of finding Lov since that would be so unawesome. So me and birdie were determined to look across all the oceans.

Well, nein, first the shores of The Mediterranean Sea. So we started looking for her until we found her.

No llores mi amor- Don't cry my love
Mi Tesoro- My treasure but it's used to say my darling or something like that

So if it wasn't obvious, Lovina, who was basically having a panic attack when she woke up alone after the abuse that happened, went to seek out Antonio since she felt safe around him. And this chapter's really short.

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