And They Were Roommates

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Yes, I had to include the vine. Deal with it.
Bella's POV
Liz woke me up. She was freaking out at what we did, and she had reason to. We could be killed for this.

"Wh-What do we do? What if Roderich finds out and-and our marriage ends, or he sends me off somewhere? And-And you might be sent too! Bella I'm sorry I took advantage of you while you were drunk!" Liz Cried.

"Elizaveta I'm not angry. In fact, I do have feelings for you. And well, you don't love Roderich, you and I both know that. Besides, Francis told me he and Francis' neighbor are really close, and they're both guys," I told her.

Well I-I could tell him, and if it doesn't go well, I've always been stronger than him," Liz suggested.

"N-No, don't kill him! We'll just tell him about it like civil human beings and if it doesn't go well, we could run away," I thought aloud.

"Laura-Bella, I love you, but we could be killed!" Liz exclaimed.

I shook my head. "I have a feeling Roderich will have to be accepting."
So now here we were, after a lot of persuading Lizzy, telling Roderich.

"Roderich I-I love Laura-Bella, and well, I'm sorry but I can't be in a marriage with you while I love someone else. I'm running away with her, and there's nothing you can do about it. Besides, I know what you think of Basch (Switzerland) and if it makes you happy, be with him and don't let this marriage hold you back," Eliza finished.

"Wow," Roderich said. "It was really obvious you weren't into men, but is it obvious I'm not into girls?"

"Yes," Liz and I said at the same time.

Roderich sighed. "Well, I don't like this, but I cannot stop you. I wish you both good lives, and well, how did you know about Basch and me?"

"Once more, it was obvious. Francis knew too," I explained.

"Damn that Francis," he muttered. "Well without me around, at least try to be organized. I'm so sorry you have to deal with her mess Laura-Bella. In any case, I'll visit you from time to time to inspect the place. Now go before someone comes."

We went immediately, astonished. Roderich showed no emotion, but I knew he and Liz were close. He would miss her, although it'd be in a platonic way.

I helped Liz pack her things, or well, organized them. I knew if Roderich wasn't looking, Liz was truly messy.

"Where will we go?" Liz asked.

"We'll go to our mansion. My brothers don't actually care who I'm with. I actually think they like me better with a girl than a boy," I shrugged.

"But won't it be obvious?" Liz argued.

I laughed. "Nah. Just say you and Roderich weren't meant to be and that your best friend lives with you now for comforting purposes. Trust me, historians will say we're roommates, or just really close friends."


"Now lets go," I said, dying of joy. I won't have to marry an icky guy!

We got out of the Edelstein manor and went to my place. Francis was nuts by the way. "My OTP has become canon!" He cheered, bawling.

"Yeah Yeah. I'll show you a room you can use," I said.

My brother Abel came suddenly. He can be kind of scary.

"Oh good, I won't have to see you marry a Chad. Take care of her Liz or else..." he said.

I forced a laugh. "Don't worry, Abel won't do anything. He just likes being shady."

Then Toni came. "Hey Elizaveta! How are you? Don't get too excited with Liz if you know what I mean," he teased. "All this time I thought Roderich was a puta, it turns out he's a pretty nice guy!"

Everyone in general was really happy. I mean Fangirl happy. My younger brother gave us a gift, Francis won a bet to Circe, Amelia thought Liz was badass, Gilbert was her new punching bag (sometimes Francis too), Lovina joined Liz in this as well as Amelia, and Maddie tried to stop them.

It was all great, and I was happier than I'd ever been in my entire life. What a dream come true. This also says a lot seeing as we were all cooped up in the result of raining for days. It's been a week.

Still, Roderich came to visit today, soaked. He brought some Austrian food and helped me organize Eliza's room. I think he almost cried when he saw the mess.

We chatted about how Liz and me were doing, but I forced him to talk about Basch and him. He freaking blushed, saying Basch was moving to his place finally. Turns out, this affair has been going on for a year and a half.

Liz wasn't at all mad about this; instead Fangirling all over the place, wanting to know more. We thought it was really cute that both had an obsession with not wasting a pound.

This. Is. Adorable!!!!

Life couldn't be better for all of us.
"Are you sure this is were they are?" Queen Marie asked.

"Yes. I sense a lot of power coming from there. The cloud nymphs also said they saw two girls with a strange curl defying gravity outside," Sadiq said.

"So Feli May be there too?" Queen Amara asked, deep in shock.

"It's quite possible. You know how she was with that wench. It's possible she ran away and found her, faking her death. I also sense nymphs there, so Madeline May be there, as well as that other girl, the one that escaped our grasp," Sadiq continued.

"Well then, we'll send our soldiers to land," King Ludwig II said.
This escalated quickly, but I wanted BelHun to run away like any "best friends" did in that time.
I just wanted to add, this is the shittiest school year ever. Who's online and who's f2f?

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