The Heroine Strikes Again

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Amelia's POV

Everyday, I thought about what happened to Maddie, about when I'd see her again. I didn't regret going with Artie, but I did regret leaving Maddie.

Then aunt Circe appeared one day and said she'd be like a messenger, telling me what was new with Maddie. This infamously became tea time.

"Dude, you haven't appeared in months! So what's new for tea time?" I asked anxiously.

"So you know about Maddie and Gilbert right? How from a mile away, you can sense their sexual tension," she said.

"OMG what happened?" I asked.

"Bella, the one that does my bidding, told Maddie to ask Gilbert out. So she did, and they're together now!" Circe squealed.

"You really are smart, having someone do your bidding in playing Cupid in that house," I complimented.

"Child, I always have a way. Now, we were betting on who would act first, and since Maddie did, you owe me 5 seashells," she reminded.

I sighed, giving her the small gold seashells. Damnit Maddie, why?

"I take it you haven't won the argument with Arthur about coffee and tea?" She slurped tea.

I glared down at my own cup. "No, he said tea is more proper and coffee's too expensive."

"Well, since your birthday was two days ago, and well, I couldn't come because Poseidon wanted something from me, I give you coffee. Cost me a fortune," she took it out.

"Dude you really are a great aunt! Where did you get it?" I asked.

"I've been saving up. Speaking of birthdays, I'll take you to visit your sister. A birthday gift for you both," she winked.

"That's awesome! When?"

"Now. Go change in something fancier, we're going to a fancy household. And mind your manners, you might startle Miss Bella," she scolded.

I hated dresses. Artie didn't like me wearing something so boyish, but I persuaded him. I really didn't want to put one on now, but rules are rules I guess.

So I came out not being able to breathe properly or walk. How do girls stand this?

I was bound to mess up at this fancy place. My aunt knew, and I didn't know who was more nervous because of it.

I took her hand and suddenly, the ship disappeared, slowly being replaced with a fancy living room.

My aunt let out a tired gasp. I knew her journeys with other people tired her.

She led me to my sister, in the way meeting Lovina and her lover, Gilbert, Feli, and Bella.

We entered Maddie's room, which was big. Maddie was there, with probably a dress much fancier than my own, which I didn't mind.

"Amelia! Tante Circe! What are you doing here? I'm sorry if I did something, just tell me what it is," Maddie ranted.

"Dude, you're not in trouble, chill. Our aunt here just allowed me to visit you since it was out birthday," I explained.

"Oh god I'm sorry I didn't get you anything! What do you want, name it! I'll see what I can do," Maddie said.

"Dude it's fine. Besides, I didn't give you anything either so it's fair," I pointed out.

I smirked. "So how's you and Gilbert?"

She blushed. "F-fine."

"Tell us the details," I said.

"Yeah, if he's even a bit of a pig, men tend to be, tell me and I can turn him into a guinea pig. (PJO fans, Y'all know what I'm talking about)," Aunt Circe said with a psychopathic smile.

"N-no, please don't, he's n-nice, d-don't turn him into a g-guinea pig t-tante!" She pleaded.

Aunt Circe scoffed. "Well if he's not a pig, I won't. But one toe out of the line..."

"How's life on a ship with Arthur?" Maddie asked.

"It's cool, lots of action and beating up bad guys, and I get my entertainment from annoying Artie."


"Also, what's up with this fancyass house?" My aunt slapped me in the arm for that.

"Or the dress?" I continued.

"Well it was uncomfortable, but I got used to it. Humans have a lot of rules though, especially for females I've noticed," Maddie answered.

"Yeah, cuz apparently we're the weaker gender. Now let me tell you why that's bullshit. I mean look at me, I've beaten up men a whole foot taller than me.

"And you know what, I'll give you that knife, I don't care what you say. I think the time will come when you need to fight and you don't hit that hard," I said, giving her the knife I always use.

"B-But I don't kill anyone, I-I would never!" Cried Maddie.

"I don't give a fuck. Look, I have a feeling you'll encounter those bastards again and you need a weapon. Consider this my present, it's my knife. Aquila, The Eagle in Latin."

"Tante, what do you have to say about this?" Maddie asked.

Our aunt shrugged. "Amelia's right."

"Thank you! Now, hide that and take me to the others. It's been so long since I've seen Gilbert and Lovina," I said.

As we went downstairs, Aunt Circe hissed in my ear saying I couldn't get all pirate-y and I had to mind my manners. Psst, sounds lame but okay.

When Bella spotted us she was all "What do you want? Tea? Biscuits? Coffee (I said yes to that)? Everything okay?"

And from the corner of my eye, I could see Lovina looking at her dreamily. I know it was her that muttered "she's so nice."

I thought she had a boyfriend?? I mean that dude looked at her the way I look at my burgers, and they're the legendary ship. So is this a love triangle now or something? Someone explain to me.

And then there was Gilbert. I had a little chat with him that may have involved some death threats but I think it went okay.

It was all great. Well kind of. I had to act ladylike, something I hate, and it was too proper. Damn, haven't you ever heard of actual conversation?

I would've been relieved when my Aunt said it was time to go, except I was leaving Maddie. The thought that she was now armed comforted me, but still.

"Well I'm off to be a hero. I'll come visit again Maddie."

"Promise you won't do anything too stupid. And cut Arthur some slack."

"Tante, please keep an eye on my sister. You and I both know she'll still try stupid things," Maddie said.


"Alright Maddie. Amelia, hold my hand so we can get back."

I did. The room began to disappear, and the ship was slowly replacing it.

I let Aunt Circe sleep with us since she was too exhausted to go home.

Artie was frantic because I told him I gave away Aquila, so he gave me another knife. It didn't have a name, so I named it The Hero's Dagger. Awesome huh?

It was a pretty awesome day for the hero, me.

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