Sexuality: Mystery Lover

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I stood back in the shadows as the evening drew near. I did not want Harper to see me watching over her and getting scared. That is the last thing I ever wanted is for her to feel and become afraid of me. I need to make sure she is safe at all times, as I have truly fallen for her from the first day I saw her at Juliano's. Enough to say... I loved her instantly.

I know she is going to be dated by the other noblemen. That happens when we play the mystery lover game, that was start by having the midnight balls. It is very rare for someone to be brought into the game that is not a member. But I have to make her mine, she is kind and gentle as well as gorgeous and she takes my breath away every time I see her.

I am scared she will fall in love with one of the other noblemen and not me. I know it is her choice and she could change her mind and not fall for me as her mystery lover. I have watched them all with her and they really do seem to have fallen for her as I have. I need to play my part and convince my love is true before they lay it on thicker with her. This is no longer a silly game that we would normally play at the balls... This is real true love for me.

I watched her leave Juliano's. She smiles as she walks down the busy street, glancing at her ring on her hand every so often. I smiled as I watched her. I knew she would like the ring I placed on her hand that night at the ball. I'm also glad she is still wearing the diamond bracelet as well. But at any time, if she was to fall deeply in love with one of the other's before she has worked out my true identity, they can replace that bracelet with their own... It is part of the game rules. I am not sure she is aware of that?

I noticed as she got to her apartment, there was a box waiting for her. She picked it up and whispered into the evening air "Mystery Lover." Wait! what?... That is not sent by me. Who has sent her that? She opens her door and walks inside. I needed to get closer to see, without her noticing me.

Harper closed the door. Damn, now I can not see anything. Luckily she lives on the ground floor, so I walked around the back of the building to see if there is any way of seeing her from a window? I have to be careful, I do not want people to think I am a burglar or even worse... a stalker.

I see her. She is opening the box and she pulls out something while she smiles, I can not see clearly what it could be. Her beautiful eyes sparkle with excitement... Damn it. Please do not think it is from me... Please Harper, my sweet baby.

I must do something? I can not have her think that I have sent her this... when I find out which one has sent her this in my name, I will kill him. I noticed her window has a small gap that is open. She should really notice things like this... Anyone could get into her apartment at any time.

That then gives me an idea... Should I go in once she is asleep? I really do not want to scare her, but I need to know what they have sent her in my name? I paced up and down while running my hand through my hair. I just do not know what to do? If I do go in, I must wait until it is dark and she is asleep and I also must be very quick.

I stepped back amongst the trees and waited for the darkness to fall. A few hours later, I noticed all the lights were off, so maybe she had gone to bed? It is also dark enough. I stepped out from the darkness from the trees and walked up to the window. I slowly but quietly opened the ground floor window. It looks like it was to her kitchen area.

Before I went into her apartment, I pulled out my mask and put it on. Just in case Harper was awake or awakens from her sleep. I slowly climbed up but my jacket got caught on a nail, but I soon got it free. As I entered the apartment I scanned the room to the best of my ability in the darkness. I could not see the box. I moved around quietly as a mouse. Just where has she placed the box?

I moved into the living area, still nothing. maybe she might have placed it into the storage area? I opened a large door and peeked inside. No nothing, but cleaning utensils. I took in a deep breath as I ran my hand through my hair again. I knew there was only one more place the box could be... Her bedroom!

Damn it! I did not want to have to go in there. This was not the time when I planned to visit her in the night. That is also part of the game of the mystery lover... It is known to show up at any time day or night to seduce the lady, in the hope to get her to fall in love with her mystery lover.

I slowly walked forward towards her bedroom. I took another deep breath before I held the door handle. Slowly it turned and I pushed the door quietly open as I stepped in. I looked around the room and noticed her lying fast asleep on her bed. My heartbeat increased as I watched her beautiful face. She has captured my heart in ways I could never explain. My love grows daily for her and her sexuality is calling out to me. I have to tear my eyes away from her beauty, therefore, I would stand here all night, just watching the woman I love... She is the one for me and I adore her.

I noticed a box on her dressing table. I slowly walked over to where it sat. I opened the box hoping not to awake her. I quietly pulled out the card and read the information. As I thought, one of the noblemen has used the mystery lover in his game to capture her heart... But who had sent her the gift? I read a bit more. It was sent for a date and it also told me where it was to be held... I knew exactly who had sent her this box in my name. This is how he does his dates every time we have played. I shall be having words with him later. He knows that only the real mystery lover is to send the lady the gifts. Just what is he playing at?

I placed the card back into the box as Harper murmured in her sleep. I quickly moved up against the wall. I was so afraid that she would soon awake and catch me in here. But she relaxed as she slept on. I moved closer as she had kicked off her bed blanket.

I bent over her and placed the bed blanket back over her gorgeous body. Her hand then reached out towards me, I quickly moved back away from her. She then snuggled back under the blanket. I silently blew out a breath then grinned... That was a close one. My hand reached out towards her beautiful face. I moved a strand of her hair from her eyes as it had fallen while she moved. I wanted to hold her in my arms and kiss her soft skin as I had before. I remembered the last night I held her up against the wall as I kissed her neck and her sweet lips. I grinned, I wanted to kiss her again.

I found myself lowering my lips towards her face as I pressed them gently on her lips, she murmured again. I froze in place, praying she would not awaken. Instead, she smiled in her sleep. I smiled in the hope she had somehow felt my kiss and is dreaming of me.

I pulled a red rose from my pocket that I planned to give her today, but never got the chance to do so. I placed it next to her head on the pillow. I wish I could see her facial expression as she awakes to find it next to her. I hope she will know it is from me, and for her not to be scared. I have noticed she loves my scent of mixed roses.

I quietly walk away from her and out of the door. Once on the other side, I closed the door and let out a breath. My heart still raced from feeling her lips. I walked silently towards the window I had come in from and climbed out. I then walked quietly into the night with a smile.

 I then walked quietly into the night with a smile

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