The Rose Scent

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I have just left Work after another day at Juliano's. As I have not been there . I had missed Mr Juliano and I knew he was glad to see me back again. We had a lot of baking to be done and once again I had been rushed off my feet.

As I walked home I couldn't stop thinking about the mystery lover. I touched my neck as I remembered last night. I wanted to ask him if we really did make love last night? I know I have a love bite... Well many, as I found more a little lower near my breasts, but that does not mean he made love to me and it still might have just been a dream.

But dream or not he was there and he kissed me and left his mark over my body as well as leaving the other gifts. But I still need to feel his touch upon me so I can try to work out who he is? I could smell the sweet scent of roses in the air. I have been smelling it all day and it doesn't matter where I am, it has been there.

Does that mean he is close by? Is he looking out for me because of the other night when I was nearly attacked by those men? I feel he is protecting me... Or am I just imagining it because of last night smelling his strong sweet aroma? Maybe I just think I can smell him?... Maybe it is because of how much I really want him?

I carried on walking while in thought. I had a few things to get while I was out. I stopped in a few shops while I was in the busy streets of New York. There it is... That sweet smell of roses again! Where is it coming from? I turned around but I could not see anyone that I knew.

I moved on to the next store and walked inside. I looked at some clothes, then I picked up a top from the shelf and held it up against me. It was cute, so I decided to buy it. As I looked back I saw a rose sitting on top of the clothes I was just looking at.

I picked it up and brought the rose up to my nose. The sweet scent from the rose reminded me of him... is he here? I quickly spun around but I couldn't see him. But I smiled knowing he was.

I bought the top and carried on with more shopping. I also needed to buy some groceries on my way back home, so I stopped at the local store that is not far from my apartment. I pushed the cart along as I browsed. I stopped and placed a few things inside the cart then picked up a packet of noodles.

The sweet-scented smell of flowers and roses hit my nose once again. His scent is so sensual , it is sending me crazy. I looked around but still, no one to be seen. I placed the noodles in the cart and there laid another sweet rose... Just how is he doing it?

I smelt it before placing it in my bag with the other one. I grinned to myself then gave out a small chuckle. I love his roses. I carried on with my shopping then went to the checkouts. I paid for my groceries then left the store with my arms full of bags as I headed home.

A sweet little girl walked up to me and held up a rose to me. I stopped and placed the bags on the ground.

"Hi, Sweetie... What have you got there?"

I smiled as I crouched down to her and took the rose from her.

"This is for you, Miss... The man over there asked me to give it to you."

She smiled sweetly at me then was about to turn and leave.

"Little girl, Wait!... What man?"

The little girl pointed across the street. But there was no one there.

"What did he look like?"

"The man has smart clothes and a mask... He looks funny."

I chuckled softly at her and she giggled back.

"Did you see his eyes? What colour are his eyes?"

"Nuh-uh. But the man smells like flowers."

The little girl then skipped away. I chuckled softly as I smelt the rose.

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