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~Todoroki's POV~

He fainted. He freaking fainted I can't believe he fainted because I asked him out. He's too cute.

"Hello Ms.Midoriya"the girl who said her name was Ochaco called to the mother of the cute little broccoli in my arms who I learned from the Ochaco girl's name is Izuku Midoriya but amma keep calling him Little Broccoli.

"Hello Uraraka, and who is this?"she asked looking a little sceptical as she saw her son in my arms

"I'm Todoroki, Todoroki Shouto"I introduced myself"it's nice to meet you Ms.Midoriya"

"And you too Todoroki"she said"his room is through that hall, the dark blue door"she instruted

"Thank you"I said walking to the broccoli's room. After lying him on the bed he started to stir

"Ughhhhhhhh" he groaned getting up"where the hell am I?"

"You're in your room", I told him. His head then snapped in my direction his brows forrowing and his eyes narrowing.

"Todoroki"he said pointing at me"Todoroki Shouto"

"Yep, that's me"I said putting my hands on my hips

"Okay........"he said then all of a sudden his face lit up like a kid in a candy store "can I get a hug to say 'thank you' for taking me home?"he asked looking at me with his adorable emerald green eyes

"Of course"I said opening my arms for him. He then hugged me before groping my butt. "Whooo, getting a little handsy are we"I said smirking

"I'm just a gay guy, tryna' live, tryna' survive, you got a problem With that?"he asks

"Nope"I said rubbing his back

"Welp! Time for you to get home now!"he said with a closed eyed smile the made him look cuter especially the way his freckles stand out on his slightly pale skin.

"Yeah, I guess"I said kind of sad that I had to go "bye bye Little Broccoli"I smirked as I saw him blush at the nickname

"Good bye Ms.Ochaco, Ms Midoriya"I said

"Bye Mr.Todoroki"they said making me cringe

"Mr.Todoroki is my brother, please just call me Todoroki"I said and they nodded (Mr.Todoroki-Natsu Todoroki NOT Bakugou)

The minute I get in my car my phone started to ring, I then picked it up not looking at the caller ID thinking it was probably Katsuki, and it was. "Hello"I said

"YOU DAMN HALF N'HALF BASTARD!WHERE ARE YOU!?"Katsuki shouted through the phone making me whince

"Chill Babe I'm coming"I said turning the car in the direction of my home.

"Hurry up Enji is at it again"he mummbe making me sigh

"I'll be there in a few"I breathed

🥦❄️🔥💥 Time skip brought to you by Lazy Author-chan 💥🔥❄️🥦

As I pull up in the garage I hear F.P.O.G (Flaming Pile Of Garbage) yelling at Katsuki who, of course,yelled back "haaaaa~"I sighed taking the keys out of my pocket to open the door.

Walking into the living room I see F.P.O.G strangling Katsuki "PUT HIM DOWN!!" I yelled

"Make me"he said smirking

I Then dialed 911 telling them the situation and the location and watched as the smirk fall from his face and his grip loosen enough for Katsuki to kick F.P.O.G away from him so that he could breathe after Five minutes the cops arrived, and arrested F.P.O.G and asked us a few questions like 'what caused this' and 'where I was when most of it happened' etc etc.

"So you were cheating on me?"Katsuki asked after the officers left

"WHAT!?!"I yelled startled by his question

"You said you were with an other guy"he said sounding hurt even though he tried to hide it.

~Typical Katsuki always trying to him his emotions~

"Look the kid just fainted after I said something to him and he was only with a girl so I thought it'd be the right thing to bring him home. We didn't do anything, I swear"I told him taking his face in my hands

"......Tch whatever"he said looking away after making sure I wasn't lying "just don't worry me like that again alright Icy-hot"

"Okay"I said before bringing my lips onto his, him of course retuning the kiss. We made out there for a while before he pulled away making me give him breif soft pecks on the lips.

"Oi! Babe"he said, but I didn't want to listen so I continued assaulting his lips "Oi.....I need your credit card,we need to restock, Enji ate all the food"

"Alright"I said then started searching through my pockets for the credit card"What the frick"I then triple checked all my pockets and even in the car.

"I think I lost i-"I cut myself off as I remembered the broccoli kid grabbing my butt "the little bastard stole my credit card!!"


"THAT SNEAKY LITTLE BROCCOLI BASTARD!!"I yelled pulling my hair in frustration.

"Wait wait wait, Broccoli bastard?"he said looking contact

"The kid I took home when he fainted!"I explained "he is sooooo going to pay for this"I growled

Sorry for the short chapter. I'll try to make the next one longer

❤️❤️❤️Love you ❤️❤️❤️

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