The Beginning of The Three Bakugous

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\\With the girls and Izuku//

~Third person's POV~

"Where are all the boys?" Izuku asked coming downstairs in the pink nightgown Ashido made him wear

Currently it's the night before the wedding. Ashido suggested they play a few games and drink a little. But the minute the clock striked twelve all the boys disappeared to the beach house though Izuku didn't know that.

"Oh they're at the beach house" Mitsuki said waving him off and sipping a glass of red wine

"And as you know, the bride and groom must be separated the night before the wedding" Ashido said in a fake British accent "thus, why they are not with us this very moment"

"Bravo" Izuku said drily while clapping before taking a seat on the couch beside Toru who was in a blue nightgown

"Thank you, thank you" she said bowing "now! LET THE GAMES BEGIN!"

"I'm not going to survive tonight" Izuku said taking up a glass of wine from the coffee table and crossing his legs

"Okay first game will be a mild one" Ashido said "Never have I ever, you all know how that works"

"Mmhmm" Izuku hummed giving her the stink eye

"Babe stop looking at me like that" she mumbled looking back at him

"Just continue" Izuku waved her off putting the glass of wine down

"Okay, the brides-to-be will start" Toru said "Izuku since your name comes first alphabetically, you start first"

"Never have I ever had sex" Izuku said laying flat on the couch putting his feet in Mitsuki's lap and head in Toru's lap

"Very original" Camie said sarcastically rolling her eyes and clapping slowly "very original Izuku Midoriya"

"Thank you Camie Utsushimi" Izuku said giving her a stiff nod "Uraraka?"

"Uh, never have I ever....... woken up normally" Ochaco said

"What do you mean you've never woken up normally?" Izuku asked forrowing his brows

"Every morning I wake up, I wake up to Iida staring at me with a book and pen in hand as if he's taking notes on my sleeping" she said shivering slightly while closing her eyes

"Every morning I wake up the damn cat's lying on my face" Mitsuki said scowling

Masaru had gotten a cat before he and Mitsuki got together. Her name is Saki and she likes Mitsuki A LOT. Even if Mitsuki doesn't like her just as much.

"Mitsuki, she just likes you" Izuku said rolling his eyes

"Well I don't like her" she said sipping her wine "at least not as much as it like me"

"Quit complaining" he said "you're not the only one who wakes up to an animal on their face you know"

"Okay, next 'Never have I ever'" Ashido said cutting their conversation short


"JUST DRINK IT OFF OF HIM!!" A slightly drunk Denki screamed at Katsuki

"I TOLD YOU NOT TO TELL ME WHAT TO DO!!" Katsuki yelled back

"Will you both just shut up" Shouto said drinking the shots of vodka that were placed on his stomach and chest for Katsukai to drink

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