My New Sister

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~Izuku's POV~

After Todoroki left I grinned in victory as I looked at the credit card in my hand

~the idiot actually thought I was groping his butt because I liked it, well I did but that's not the point~

"Every single penny on this little credit card now belongs to me"I wisperd to myself before shoving it into my wallet as I heard footsteps coming to my room.

"Deku-kun.."I heard Uraraka's voice call out."are you awake..?"

"Haaaaa~ yeah I'm awake"I said pretending that I didn't just steal a credit card from one of the richest men in Yagi and she came into the room sitting on my bed beside me.

"Where is it?"she asked in a 'no funny business' tone narrowing her eyes

"Where is what?"I asked in honest confusion as I really didn't know what she was talking about

"Todoroki's.Credit.Card"she said through gritted teeth

"H-h-how di-did you kn-know..?"I asked kind of panicked that she found out about the credit card thing

"I overheard you wispering to yourself AND you mummble a lot so I know about you stealing to help your Mom out"she explained and my eyes widened "I won't tell her but you have to promise me that you'll stop stealing, I'll help you if yo-"I cut her off shaking my head

"I promise I'll try to stop stealing but I don't want to bother you with my problems, I'll see if I can get a part-time job or something though I don't always have spare time sooo.... something on the weekends maybe"I said trying to figure something out so she wouldn't have to help me

"Look I'm your best friend I'll help you when you need it, you're like a brother to me, I understand that you don't want to burden me with that load but I'll help you no matter what"

I then began to cry "t-t-thank you *sniffle* U-Ura *sniffle* t-thank y-you so m-much"I hugged her with all my might to let her know how greatful I was to have a friend like her.

"No problem, you've been with me through good and bad, I want to do the same thing with you"she said combing through my mess of hair with her fingers.

"Thank you Ura" I said pulling away and wiping my tears chuckling "or shall I say sis"

"I prefer Sis"she said smiling

"Okay.....Sis, besides, Mom already practically adopted you"I laughed as she rolled her eyes

"Who wouldn't want to adopt me, I'm very lovable"she said curling her hair onto her finger.

"DINNER!"Mom yelled from the kitchen

"COMING!!"Uraraka and I yelled back in unison

"Welp let's go get dinner"she said getting up

"I'm coming lemme just get changed first"I said before I froze realizing that we left for lunch and didn't go back to school

"What is it Deku-kun" Uraraka asked

"Okay first of all, can you please call me Izuku and second of all you do realize that we left for lunch and didn't go back to school?"

"Relax, I already told Aizawa Sensei that you weren't feeling well and that I was taking care of you so he'll email our homework later he said it's some group assignment and that we choose the groups we want to be in"she said making me relax

"Okay, thank you Ura"

"No problem"

I then went to take a bath, got dressed in a grey shirt and a black sweatpants and went to eat.

"Thank you for the food"we said then began eating

"So Izuku, what caused you to pass out today?" Mom asked making me blush remembering the situation

"N-n-nothing"I stuttered

"That stutter doesn't sound like nothing"she said squinting her eyes at me

"He fainted because Todoroki asked him if he wanted to hang out sometime" Uraraka said giggling

"Izuku, how can you be such a cinnamon roll?"Mom asked the daily question that up to this day I still can't answer because I don't understand what she means

"Mom for the last time I can't answer a question I don't understand"I said

"You'll figure it out eventually"she said rolling her eyes

"Hey Deku-kun can I call you Zuzu?"Ura asked

"Ummm....sure?"I said well it sounded more like a question


🥦❄️🔥💥 Time Skip brought to you by Lazy Author-chan 💥🔥❄️🥦

As I lay in my bed I think back to all the things that happened today from finding out that Iida was sick to confessing to my stealing to Ura.

"Today has been one crazy day"I wispered to myself before getting as comfortable as possible on the floor and going to bed descending into a dreamless sleep.

---------------------- Okay guys sorry about the short chapter I'm trying my best to make them longer but this is all I could do right now bye~


❤️❤️❤️ LOVE YOU ❤️❤️❤️

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