Job Hunting and Two Months

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~Izuku's POV~ [Two Months Later] (A/N: It's April)

"Any luck?" Sho-chan asked as I walk into the living room

"Nope" I said "I can tick being a teacher off the list and start looking at some restaurants"

After graduation, I took a one month break, then I started looking for a job. As you can see it's not going well so far, none of the schools (kindergarten/Junior High/Senior High) close by want a teacher (Arts/Cooking).

So now I'm going to check the restaurants close by, I don't want to have to go too far away from home to go to work, that's why I'm looking for a job closer to home.

"Or you could just run your own restaurant" Sho-chan said shrugging

"I don't want to take advantage of my status as your fiancé" I said taking off my black tie and unbuttoning the first three buttons of my white dress shirt


(A/N: you're probably wondering "What the f🤗?!" So here ⬇️ everything will be explained down there)

Okay let me fill you in on the things that have happened over the past two months. So let's start with Kaminari, Shinsou and Kirishima; Kirishima had found the courage to propose to both of them and of course, they said 'yes'. He's going on a world tour in two days, Kaminari is now the new CEO of the JPC (Japan Power Company) (A/N: I just made it up, if it's a real thing then *Ahem* DAAAAAAAAAAMMMMMMMM) and Shinsou is in the hospital after a car accident with a drunk driver. He's okay, just a broken leg and arm along with a sprained neck. He'll be discharged soon.

Next is Mina, after two weeks she finally told Sero how she felt and now it's CamieMinaSero. Yep, Camie said she's been pestering Sero to tell Mina how he felt for a good while too so now with the new addition, they're taking it slow. Oh and I forgot to mention that Mina is a scientist, but she's not really needed right now so she's a home most of the time.

Camie, is now a nurse at the local hospital and apparently she's enjoying it. She said she liked helping people.

Sero is now in the police department and he's doing well for a rookie.

Tsuyu and Tokoyami; they're actually pretty far into their relationship. Tsuyu is now engaged to Tokoyami and is also one month pregnant. Whatever gender that baby is, they will be beautiful.

Momo and Jirou are also just taking it step by step in their relationship. I've only ever seen them hold hands. AND IT'S BEEN TWO F🤗ING MONTH PEOPLE.

Natsu, met this girl named Toga a month ago and even though it's obvious to everyone else that they like each other it's not that obvious to them. Natsu's a teacher at kindergarten, the same one I used to go. He's teaching math and the students love him.

Endeavor and Takami broke up saying that it's not working out. That's Takami was too young for him, so they split.

Fuyumi and Takami got together before she found out he was her dad's ex. It was pretty awkward between them for a couple weeks before they decided to forget it ever happened and eventually went back to normal.

Mitsuki married a guy named Masaru and they decided to keep the name Bakugou.

My mom also remarried, she now Mrs.Toshinori, her husband is a guy named Yagi Toshinori. apparently his parents liked the name of our city and named their son after it. He's a good guy and I'm glad my mom's finally moved on with such an amazing person, she deserves it and a lot more.

Sato is still our lone soul. Still single.

Sho-chan got me a green (they found out my favorite color is green) Aston Martin (A/N: for those who don't know, it's a car) I drive that more than I do the Lamborghini though.

"Those two have been at it for a while" Sho-chan said "and you wouldn't be taking advantage of your status as my fiancé"

"Really?" I asked raising an eyebrow

"Baby I'm just trying to help out" he said sighing as he closed the book he was reading, putting a red page marker where he stopped reading

"I know, I know" I said "let's just....... leave that as a last resort, Okay?"

"Alright" he said

"How's Tsuyu and the pregnancy?" I asked taking my pants off

"All I'm going to tell you is to NOT, no matter what, do NOT get on her bad side" he said shuddering

"Pfffffffft-HAHAHA!" I laughed at his reaction

"It's not funny" he said fear shining in his eyes different colored eyes (A/N: I forgot the word for it 🤭. Someone please tell me 👉🏼👈🏼)

"Okay, what're you gonna get Kaachan for his birthday?" I asked. You see, Kaachan's birthday is in three days and Sho-chan and I are planning a surprise party for him, everyone's in on it and Kaachan still doesn't know about it.

"I got him the Mario kart game he's always wanted for his Xbox, a Switch and you" he said unbuttoning all the buttons and taking my shirt off "how about you?"

"I got him a bunny onesie, an engagement ring, a three week supply of marshmallows and not-so surprisingly; you" I said sitting on his lap

"I know he'll like that, but I don't know about the bunny onesie" he said chuckling

"Whatever" I said turning around so I was straddling him "take me upstairs, I want to take a nap"

"I can't do that" he said shaking his head

"Why?" I asked frowning as I put my arms around his neck

"Because you are too f🤗ing adorable when you sleep" he said kissing my cheek

"Sho-chaaaaaaan~" I whined "please, I want to nap"

"I'll let you nap under one condition" he said gripping my hips tightly

"W-what's that?" I asked shivering slightly as he caressed my hips

"You wear a dress for our wedding" he said smiling

"That's it?" I asked raising an eyebrow

"Yep" he said nodding "do that and you can go take your nap"

"Sure why not" I said shrugging "as long as I get to pick the style"

"Anything for my princess" he said kissing my fingertips (on both hands of course)

"Yay" I said "Now. Nap. Time"

"Okay okay, chill out" he said getting up with me in his arms "you'll get your nap time"

"I better" I growled in the crook of his neck

"You are cranky when you want to sleep" he grumbled opening our room door

"Not my fault" I said shrugging as he put me in the bed pulling the covers on top of me

"Well sweet dreams my love" he said ruffling my hair

"Bye" I said watching him leave the room

"Bye baby" he said before closing the door

~Tomorow I shall continue jop hunting~

Hi my lovelies. What'd ya think of all the stuff that had happened over the two month span of time?
╮(. ❛ ᴗ ❛.)╭
Anyway Bye~


❤️❤️❤️Love You❤️❤️❤️

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