Graduation Presents

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~Todoroki's POV~

"Okay you ready?" I asked Kat as we stood outside the auditorium waiting for Izu

"Oi, remember who you're talking to" he growled with his RBF (Resting Bitch Face) on

"You do not look pretty with that RBF" I said shaking my head

"The f🤗 is RBF?" He asked crossing his arms

"Resting Bitch Face" I said smirking


"Yes you do" I said my face a few millimeters from his

"W-why are you s-so close?" He asked trying to back away but I put my hands on his hips keeping him from moving

"You don't like it when I'm this close?" I wispered

"W-what about-" I cut him off by smashing my lips onto his "mmmmnnn~"

"Don't you ever yell at me, got that?" I asked when we pulled away he merely nodded "good"

"Hey guys" Izu said walking over to us

~So. F🤗ing. Adorable~

"Hey baby" I said kissing his cheek

~So fluffy and chubby and squishable and pinchable~

"Izu?" Kat called while we backed away from him (A/N: catcalled, lol 🤣🤣)

"Yeah?" He answered

~Such an angelic voice, so beautiful~

"Ever since the day we made you our personal maid Kat and I fell in love with you slowly but surely" I said

"And as much as I'm not so good at this emotional stuff I knew I loved you more than anything after the first three weeks of you living with us" Kat added

"The day you decked my father, I fell in love with you so much more, I wanted to take you right then and there" I said

"When my mom came home and you...... smacked, some respect into me, if it was another person I would've blasted them to the sun, but it was you and I couldn't see myself doing that to you" Kat said almost laughing but kept himself together

"When Fuyumi squealed when she saw you, I was finally able to see my big sister happy after everything my f-Enji put her through" I said remembering her reaction when she saw our cute little broccoli (who had just woken up) walk downstairs in a hoodie way too big for him and his boxers rubbing his beautiful big green eyes

"After you met my mom and showed her how adorable you can be, she practically adopted you, I went home the day we dropped you off at your mom's house and the first thing she asks is 'where is my son?' I said 'I'm right here' and she says 'I was talking about Izuku'" Kat said rolling his eyes making Izu giggle

"Kat and I have gone to my mother's grave to...... talk you could say, and we now want you to be there with us whenever we go, because......." I trailed off looking at Kat

".....We want....." He trailed off as we took two small black boxes out of our back pockets

"......You to be......." I trailed off as we both got on one knee. Izuku's hands flew to his mouth as he gasped, others looked our way and apparently couldn't look away

".....Ours......" Kat trailed off as we opened both boxes


"Forever" we said in unison


"*Sniff* yes *sniff*" Izuku said, tears streaming down his adorable little cheeks, the crowd that was formed around us 'awwwed' "*sniff* A HUNDRED TIMES YES!"

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