Our Found Baby Boy

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~Todoroki's POV~
[Earlier that day]

It's been two weeks since Izu's been kidnapped and Kat and I have been going insane. We can't eat, we can't sleep, we cry (I bawl) whenever we see or remember something about him, hell we can't even sit down and rest a little, we're always looking, trying to figure out where our baby is or bawling our eyes out.

I had asked Takami if he could help, send some of his men and women to help with the search for Izu, since his agency is one of those agencies, so far we've come up empty handed with each and every house we check.

In total we've checked at least twenty-five houses and I'm beginning to think that the clues Izu's kidnapper gave us were just to send us on a wild goose chase, giving him more time to do things to OUR Izuku.

"What did we do to deserve this?!?" I cried into my pillow, hugging Izu's favorite green blanket while Kat rubs my back as he cries (more like turning on a tap in his eyes) though he didn't make a sound unless I'm talking to him specifically him responding is the only sound that comes out of his mouth

"I-I don't know baby" he mumbled wiping his eyes though it was no use, the tears just kept coming non stop

"Why did we agree to the stupid outing, why didn't we just go with them instead of separating?!?" I shouted into the pillow

"Baby you know he would've wanted to get out of the house sooner or later and we can't always be with him" Kat said brushing my hair with his fingers

"I know but, why is it that when something goes right in my life it's just turn upside down?!?"

"Baby, that's not true"

"Yes it is, when we were just in the first week of our relationship and Enji locked us in our rooms until we were 'straight' again which was for about a month and a half, then there was my eighteenth birthday, he decided to take me out to 'train more' to be a better business man we never trained he just continued to torture me!" I screamed in the pillow again crying like never before "then we got Izu, Mirio made it look like he cheated on us when he never really did and now THIS shit!"

"Shouto, baby, everything in life happens for a reason" Kat said

"Oh really?!?" I asked sitting up still clutching Izu's blanket making Kat remove his hand from my hair "then please tell me! What is the reason for this?!? huh! What is it?!?"

"I-... I-I'm not entirely sure at the moment" he said looking down at his lap "but I believe that this is a test"

"A test for what?!?" I asked frustrated

"To see how strong our love for Izuku is" he said "c'mere" I then crawled over and sat in his lap hugging the blanket tightly as Kat hugs my waist

"Will we ever find him?" I asked my eyes getting droopy

"Yes" he said determined "now try to rest baby, you'll need your strength, we have one more house to check tonight, okay?"

"Okay......" I then close my eyes letting sleep consume me

(A/N: no terrifying dreams this time 😁)

🥦🔥❄️💥 Time Skip brought to you by Lazy Author-chan 💥❄️🔥🥦

"...... to..... outo..... Shouto! Shouto wake up" I heard a voice call out to me

"Gimme five more minutes" I grumbled rolling over on the bed. But, there was no more 'bed' to roll over on which made me end up falling on the floor "mmmnnnngg" I groan in pain as my back hit the floor

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