Wedding Part I

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~Izuku's POV~
[Two days later]

"So, when are we getting married?" I asked sitting between Kaachan and Sho-chan on our bed eating some poky

"That's a good question" Kaachan said eating his Poprocks

~How does he eat those?!~

"And it deserves a good answer" Sho-chan said putting me on his lap and turning me around so I'm straddling him

"How about May, so all the extras can come" Kaachan suggested hiding his candy

"No, I think it would be way to close to fit all the other parts of the planning in" Sho-chan said taking my shirt off

"What Sho-chan said" I said putting my poky away and taking Sho-chan's shirt off

"So June?" Kaachan asked sitting on Sho-chan's lap behind me

"I want a big wedding for our princess" Sho-chan said pinching my nipple

"Mmmmmmmnnn~" I moaned softly gripping his shoulders

"So that time frame is still too small?" Kaachan asked slipping his hand in my pants

"Exactly" Sho-chan said taking off my pants and boxers

"Why is it that you two can never keep it in your pants when we're alone?" I asked

"I dunno/don't know" they said

"Kaachan? Sho-chan?"
I called out to them while they remove their clothes

"Yes/yeah" they answered

"Like how we're wedding planning now ummm..." I trailed off wrapping my arms around Sho-chan's neck pulling my body closer to his until my lips were near his ear "can we have sex?"

"No" Sho-chan said pushing his first finger in

"Mmmmmnnn~ please~" I begged "this is starting to get annoying"

"What is?" Kaachan asked sucking on the sweet spot on my neck

"NNNAH!~" I cried "you constantly pleasing me but, not having sex with me"

"So are you saying we shouldn't be pleasing you?" Sho-chan asked adding his second finger

"NNWAH!~" I moaned loudly "that's not what I'm saying"

"Then what are you saying?" Kaachan asked stroking me

"Mmmmmmnnnnn!~ I'm saying that the more you do this the more I wanna know what sex with you both is like!~" I said moaning

"You'll know soon enough" Kaachan grunted lifting Sho-chan's legs

I sighed "Sho-chan stop" I said looking anywhere but them

"What?" Sho-chan asked pausing his movements

"Can you please get your fingers out of me?" I asked blushing slightly

"Okay...." He asked pulling his fingers out sending a shiver down my spine

I then got up and went to the bathroom, both getting rid of my hard and taking a shower.

I walked back into the room to see them still in their same positions staring at me. I walked over to the closet and picked out blue leggings, a white crop top and a jeans jacket. I put them on and picked up my signature red shoes and walked back into the room.

"I'm going to go see Uraraka, okay?" I said sitting on the bed and tieing my laces

"Baby, are you upset?" Kaachan asked sitting directly behind me wrapping his arms around my torso

"No" I lied

"Don't lie to me" he said sternly, his grip around me tightening

"Yes" I said sighing

"Baby" Sho-chan cooed sitting beside me "why?"

"Why won't you two accept that I've changed my mind?" I asked playing with Kaachan's fingers "I mean, we're all males, it's not like I'm going to get pregnant"

"We know that baby" Sho-chan said running a hand through my hair "we just thought you'd be more comfortable after marriage"

"I'm annoying, aren't I?" I asked rhetorically "I'll just go, I'll see you guys later"

I took up my phone and car keys and left. I know it sounds stupid for me to be upset about something like this but, it's not exactly the fact that they won't have sex with me, it's the fact that they still treat me like a baby.

I adore the thought that they love me, I just want to be treated like their equal and a little bit like their baby. I don't want to be here and not be any help to anyone.

*Knock knock knock*

I knocked on Uraraka and Iida's door. They had gotten their own home a while back. A little bit after the party when I got my exam results.

It's a nice two story house with a basement and attic. It's painted a nice baby blue with a dark oak wood door.

"Oh hey Zuzu" she said answering the door

"Hey, sorry about the unexpected visit" I said scratching the back of my neck

"It's okay, come on in" she said opening the door wider so that I could enter

"Thanks" I said taking my shoes off at the door

"It's no biggie" she said locking the door "would you like anything, tea, water, juice?"

"Tea would be nice, thank you" I said walking over to the living room

"Okay" she said making her way to the kitchen

"Oh hello Midoriya" Iida said when I entered the living room

"Hi Iida" I said sitting on the couch beside him

"What's wrong, you seem upset" he pointed out closing the book he was reading

"I just need to talk to Ura" I said sighing

~I seem to be doing that a lot lately~

"Alright, I'll be in my room if any of you need me" he said getting up and walking upstairs

"Here you go" Ura said coming into the living room with a tray with two cups of tea on it "hey where's Tenya?"

"He went to his room" I said taking the tray from her and placing it on the wooden coffee table

"Okay, what do you want to talk about?" She asked taking up one of the cups

"Will you be one of my maids of honor?" I asked her blushing and sipping my tea

"Of course Zuzu!" She said exitedly "who's the other?"

"I-it's mom" I said my blush subsiding

"That's great!" She said "now, let's start talking dresses"

~Here we go, Lord save me~

"Oh boy" I said rolling my eyes playfully

"Oh shut up!" Ura said laughing "now let's get to work"

Hello my wonderful lovelies. I'm sorry to say but, the end of 'Our Little Maid' is upon us.

Other than that, I just wanted to let you know how much I love y'all. Bye~


❤️❤️❤️Love You❤️❤️❤️

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