Baby Broccoli Problems and Scary Momma Broccoli

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~Izuku's POV~

After Sho-chan, Kaachan and I's little argument about my 'beauty'  they helped me pack so that I could stay the night with my mom, well Kaachan packed while Sho-chan tickled the shit out of me.

"HAHAHAHA! SHOUTO STOP! HAHAHAHA!" I squealed squirming and laughing as he tickling me

"I don't think so" he said continuing to tickle me

"HAHAHAHA! KAACHAN HELP! HAHAHAHA!" I screamed trying to wiggle out of his grip

"Alright Shouto, your gonna kill the poor guy" Kaachan said as he ziped my bag and then pulling Sho-chan off of me

"Thank you *pant* Kaachan" I said panting

"You always have to take the fun out of everything" Sho-chan pouted still in Kaachan's arms

"That was only fun for you" I said getting dressed in one of Kaachan's hoodies and Sho-chan's sweatpants

"Y'know, I just realized that you wear our clothes more than you do your own" Sho-chan said as Kaachan put him down

"So? You have a problem?" I asked sassily putting my hands on my hips

"No I don't, you look adorable" he said looking at me lovingly before walking over and snuggling me, y'know putting his head in the crook of my neck and wrapping his arms around me and squeezing my butt

"Mmmmm~" I moan

~Why is it that my ass is so freaking sensitive, one squeeze and I'm a moaning mess, Ugh!~

"That was sexy, do it again" Kaachan wispered seductively wrapping his arms around me from behind while Sho-chan was in front of me

"No guys, please don-Mmmmnn~" I cut myself off moaning as Sho-chan squeezes my ass again

"How are we going to survive without you?" Kaachan asked pushing his hands under the hoodie and started playing with my nipples

"Nnwah!~ Katsuki stop please?" I asked moaning, resting my head on Sho-chan's shoulder (A/N; Cue the song)

"But why? Your moans sound so beautiful" he said pinching my nipple

"Mnawh!~" I moan loudly "Kaachan, Sho-chan please"

"C'mon baby, stay one more hour?" Sho-chan asked

"But guys, what about my mom?" I asked trying to wiggle out of their grip

"We'll make you stay for two days, just one more hour, let us hear your beautiful moans for one more hour" Kaachan said kneeling down and pulling my (Sho-chan's) sweatpants and my boxers

"Kaachan, w-what are you-Nnwah!~" I moan as he licks me

"Ah" Sho-chan said signaling me to open my mouth, I did so and he put three fingers in my mouth "suck"

~Why the hell is this necessary?! What is he doing with his fingers?!~

"Mmmnnn~" I moan as Kaachan licked me again but it was was muffled by Sho-chan's fingers

"He apparently likes it when you lick him Kat" Sho-chan said as he started stroking me making my legs go weak. If it wasn't for Kaachan holding my waist I would've been on the floor by now

"I realized" Kaachan mumbled licking me again

"Mmnnn~" I moan

"Okay that's enough" Sho-chan said pulling his fingers out of my mouth

"W-what are you going to do with th-ahhhh!~" I was cut off by another one of my loud moans as he put his first finger in

"Did that hurt?" He asked and I shook my head before resting it on his chest "okay can I move" I just nodded

"Mmmmm~" I moaned as Kaachan started to stroke me since Sho-chan had stopped while he fingered me

🥦❄️🔥💥 I'm bored so.... Time Skip brought to you by Lazy Author-chan 💥🔥❄️🥦

"Kaachan, Sho-chan, relax, you'll see me in two days time" I said as I tried to pull myself away from the group hug while my mom, being the amazing angel she is, lAuGhS. LAUGHS I TELL YOU!! SHE STANDS THERE AND LAUGHS INSTEAD OF HELPING HER ONE AND ONLY SON!! ONLY CHILD!!

"HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! I don't think they're going to let go Izuku HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!" She says doubled over laughing

"Mom, please stop laughing and oh I don't know HELP ME!!" I said irritated

"HAHAAHAHAHAHAHA!! I'm coming HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!" She said laughing as she stumbled over "okay boys let go of my son" she said in that scary tone of hers

Suki and Sho-sho let go of me immediately and my mom started laughing again "okay Izuku let's go, I have a lot of fun planned for us" she said pulling me into the house

"Ummm, Mom what happened here?" I asked looking around, there was new furniture, the walls were painted and the kitchen was the same. The whole house was refurbished.

"Well, Katsuki's Mom and I just happened to be close friends when we were younger, so she came and helped me out even when I tried to refuse, so here we are" she said leading me to the living room that looked just as brand new as the rest of the house

"So umm..." I began as I sat on the couch beside her. I opened my mouth to say something but she beat me to it

"How's life with the boys?" She asked turning to me

"G-good, they get annoying sometimes because they're constantly horny, but otherwise from that everything's going well" I said blushing slightly

"Constantly?" She asked raising an eyebrow

"Like this morning, I put on Katsuki's hoodie and Shouto's sweatpants and they get all sexual" I said still blushing

~Why must you look at me like that mom, you know I'll tell you everything with that look~

"Should I teach them a lesson?" She asked in her 'scary momma' tone

"N-no Mom, i-it's okay" I said waving my hands in front of my face

"You sure?" She asked

"Yeah, it's not like I can get pregnant or anything" I said shrugging

"Okay" she said sounding unconvinced

"So, uhhhh.... w-what are we going to be doing?" I asked playing with the strings of Suki's hoodie

"We" she said turning around and picking up nail polish, nail polish remover and nail decorations (like tiny glittery flowers, stars and a bunch of other stuff)

~oh no. Nonononono! NO!~

"Are going to do your nails" she said mischievously

"No!" I yelled trying to get away from her but she just pulled me back laughing

~Dear lord, please protect my boyfriends from my mother for as long as they live, Amen~

~I'm doomed~


Very Crazy Author-chan~

❤️❤️❤️Love You❤️❤️❤️

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