The Conclusion

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~Todoroki's POV~

After me and Kat tried to tell Izuku about how beautiful he is and failed, we went downstairs to prepare breakfast for him.

"Do you think he'll ever believe that he's more beautiful than he thinks?" I asked Kat as I add some fruits and whip cream to Izu's set of pancakes

"I don't know, we can't force him" he said making Izu's favorite tea (Jasmine tea) "his beliefs are his beliefs, no one can really change that, no matter how hard we try, only he has the power to do that"

"That's what I'm worried about" I said "I'll get this to him" I picked up the tray with his breakfast and tea

"Okay" Kat says kissing my cheek before going back to making more pancakes

*Knock knock knock*

"Izu!" I called out but got no response "Izuku, open the door" still no response. I opened the door to see Izu curled up on the bed still in his boxers sleeping.

I walked over and put the tray on the night stand before sitting on the bed next to him "Izu baby wake up, you need to eat"

"Sho....." He mumbled in his sleep before going still

"Baby, c'mon you need to wake up" I said shaking him but he wouldn't budge, he just stirs and mumbles 'Sho' or 'Kaachan' every now and again.

"Baby please wake up, you have to eat" I said shaking him again, this time he finally wakes up and I'm met with his cute big green eyes all wet and puffy like he was crying "baby, were you crying?" I asked worriedly and he nodded

"Why?" I asked

"I-I thought y-you were mad at m-me" he said trembling slightly

"No Izu, we're not mad at you" I said pulling him onto my lap

"Y-you're not?" He asked looking up at me with his adorable big eyes

~How can he not see how beautiful he is!?!~

"No baby" I said running a hand through his hair

"B-but you stopped talking to me after I told you that I didn't like myself" he said trying to wipe the tears that were streaming down his adorable, freckled chubby cheeks. I know this isn't the first time I've described them that way, but, still.

"We just went to get your breakfast" I said handing him the tray of food

"O-oh, I-I'm sorry" he said picking up the cup of tea

"What are you apologising for?" I asked playing with his hair

"Because I was crying over nothing and bothered you" he said still drinking his tea

"You didn't bother us" I said

"So you're not sad or upset about me not liking myself?" He asked eating a slice of his pancakes and looked up at me again

~oh hunny I am PISSED about that one~

"I am" I said honestly "but Kat and I will try until our last dying breath, to make you see just how beautiful you are"

"How can you say that?" He asked in disbelief "just look at me"

"I am looking at you" I said before kissing his freckles "and I see a very beautiful boy who doesn't see his own beauty or self worth"

"If I accept this, will you stop?" He asked eating a slice of pineapple

"That'll be forcing you, so no" I said shaking my head "no I wouldn't be happy, I want you to see how amazing, strong and beautiful you are and Kat and I will help you see it"

"But I-" he was saying but I cut him off

"Who. The. F🤗. Told. MY. Baby. He. Was. Ugly?" I asked him angrily

"J-just some kids back at middle and high school, I-I can't really tell you a specific nam-"  I cut him off remembering something

"That high school crush of yours" I said snapping "what's his name again?"

"A-Arata Takeo?" he said

"I'mma look for him, I'mma look for him and make sure he wishes he was never born" I growled with a clenched first

"Sh-sho-chan!" Izu said startled "You won't actually do it, right?"

"Oh I will hunny, trust me I will" I growled

😎📝 Should I stop it here?📝😎


"I'll be helping him do so" Kat said angrily as he entered the room with two plates of pancakes, giving one to me

"If you two do this I'll never forgive you" Izu said as I put him on the bed

"But look what he's done to you!" I yelled in frustration

"I know, he made me hate myself, but please don't do anything to him" he pleaded looking at me with those eyes

"But-" he cut me off

"How about this" he said sighing "you tell me everything that makes me beautiful and by the end of this plus next month, if I accept, by myself, that yes I am beautiful you can't do anything to Takeo, if I still don't accept it then you may do as you please"

I sighed "it's better than nothing" I said

"Okay" Kat said "now you want me to drive you to your mom and you spend the night?" Kat asked taking the empty plate from Izuku

"Thank you Katsuki" he said smiling

"Mmmmm, say it again" Kat mumbled closing his eyes making me and Izu chuckle

"Katsuki~" Izu said seductively crawling over and biting Kat's neck

"F🤗!" He cursed, eyes flew open as Izu licked the bite mark "what're you, kinky?"

"I don't know, you tell me" he answered looking honestly confused

"Izuku, you little cinnamon roll!" Kat yelled before chasing Izuku around the room like little kids

"Ahhhh! Shouto help!" Izu squealed giggling adorably

~Too Cute! I'm going to die!~

I didn't die though, instead I had a nose bleed "Shouto why do you have a nose bleed?" Kat asked as he finally caught Izu and threw him over his shoulder, he was giggling uncontrollably and it was FREAKING adorable

"He's just too adorable" I said "and sexy" I mumbled staring at his ass

"Sho-chan, I can feel your eyes on my ass, stop it" Izu said still dangling from Kat's shoulder even though he sat on the bed

"I-I...... I can't" I said as I continue to stare at his ass

"Of course you can, just turn your eyes away" I could practically hear the scowl in his voice

"I'm trying it's not working" I said honestly

"Sho-chan!" He yelled trying to wiggle out of Kat's grip

"Not so fast baby" Kat says "I'm loving the view"

"I don't like you guys" Izu groaned and Kat and I laughed at his adorableness

There, a fluffy chapter 🙄
I hope you're happy

Very tired and hungry, Author-chan~

❤️❤️❤️Love You❤️❤️❤️

Continue to vote comment and stay safe my lovelies. Remember, don't be like me and Izuku, always love yourself no matter what.

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