The Drunk Cinnamon Roll

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~Todoroki's POV~

"I Will!" An obviously drunk Kaminari squealed "okay, never have I ever not been f🤗ed"

Izu and Camie rolled their eyes and took a sip of their drinks

"My turn" Camie said "Never have I ever been in love with the same sex"

Kat and I scoffed as Kirishima, Kaminari, Izu, Mina, Kat and I took a sip of our drinks "My turn" Hagakure said a bit tipsy "never have I ever been called ugly"

Izuku was the only one to drink this time and I frowned

~Who DARE call MY BABY UGLY!?!~

"Okay" Mina said "Never have I ever been told that I have a flat ass" Kat grunted before drinking

~his ass is flat though~

"Never have I ever been called cute" Kirishima said. Kaminari and Izuku both drank

"Never have I ever not been stalked" Kat said Kaminari, Mina, Hagakure, Izu and Camie drank. Hagakure was obviously already drunk.

"Never have I ever been called hot" Izu said, Kirishima, Kaminari, Katsuki, Mina, Camie, Hagakure and I drank

~Oh baby, I can rectify that~

"Never have I ever had my kink used against me" I said Kat, Kirishima and Mina drank

"Never have I ever had sex with a girl" Kaminari said and Mina rolled her eyes and drank

"Never have I ever sucked a dick" Camie said. Me, Kat, Kirishima and Kaminari drank

"Never have I ever been kidnapped and end up falling in love with my kidnapper" Hagakure said and Izu took a big gulp of his drink making me grin

"Never have I ever made a great first impression on my partner's mom" Mina said and Izu and I drank. Izuku then began to sway a little and I smirked

~My baby's getting drunk~

"Never have I ever given my boyfriends a nickname" Kirishima said smirking as he also realized that Izu was getting drunk

"Screw you Kirishima" he said before drinking

"Never have I ever been told that I have a fat ass" Kat said smirking at Izu

"Kaachan, I don't like you" Izu said before taking another big gulp of his drink

"Never have I ever eaten chilly peppers" Izu said shrugging as Kat drank

~luckily we can hold our liquor, unlike our poor baby boy~

"Never have I ever been called a vegetable" I said smirking and Izu drank every last bit of alcohol in his cup

"I'm done with this" he said before standing up and stumbled through the lybrinth of sweaty, dancing bodies to the kitchen, probably to get more alcohol as he hummed to the song currently playing (Congratulations)

(A/N: here;
🎶 Congratulations,
Work so hard forgot how to vacation,
They ain't ever had the dedication...🎶)

"Let's follow him" Kat said getting up and following Izu with me in toe

"Where's all the goddamn alcohol!?" Izu yelled in the kitchen searching for more alcohol

"Definitely drunk" Kat and I said in unison

"Hey baby, c'mon, let's go" Kat said trying to pull Izu out of the kitchen "c'mon babe, no more alcohol"

"For you Flat Ass" Izu said taking up a bottle of vodka pouring half of it into a green solo cup.

(A/N: 🎶SO I DO IT SO-LO~!!!🎶 Sorry, I'm done now)

"No baby, for you" Kat says trying to get the cup away from Izu's mouth and out of his hand, and what was I doing? Watching

"Go away Katsuki" Izu said turning away from Kat and walking, more like stumbling, out of the kitchen

"You're going to help me get him, right?" Kat asked wrapping his arms around my waist, grinding on me and sucking my neck very hard

"Mmmm~" I moaned, my eyes closed in pleasure

"Right?" He asked again sucking harder

"K-katsuki~" I moaned as he added more pressure to his grinding allowing me to feel the outline of his big dick (A/N: Yeah I said it 😎) "y-you have to s-stop if you w-want me to a-answer"

He stopped grinding and sucking, I then took some time to catch my breath "yes Kat I'll help you get him"

"You don't need to~" slurred a voice that definitely sounded like Izu's. Kat and I looked at him, his gorgeous green eyes were half lidded since he was drunk, but lust was swimming in them, a lot of lust.

"Baby-" Kat was cut off by Izu smashing his lips onto Kat's (A/N: get it, becuz in the anime Deku's always like SMAAAAAAAAAASH!! Okay bye now)

"What you just did to Sho was so f🤗ing sexy~" he slurred seductively holding tightly onto Kat's jacket pulling him towards him until their lips were a centimeter away "let's go upstairs to our room baby~"

"O-okay" Kat stuttered obviously wondering what the drunk cinnamon roll had in store for him. Izu pulled him upstairs while he pulled me with them, not like I was going to let them go without me anyway

"Why are we going up stairs Izu?" I asked, but he wouldn't answer, when we got to the second floor, he pushed Kat onto the wall before turning his back to him and started grinding, his hips swaying to the beat of the music.

"Katsuki hold my hips" Izu sai-well commanded Kat and he just did what was best for himself, he held Izu's hips. Izu put one arm around Kat's neck and the other on one of his hands that was placed on his hips

"Damn, he is sexy when he's drunk" I wispered to myself as I leaned back on the rails along the hall watching them slowly getting a hard at the sight

"I-Izu?" Kat called out with a grunt

"Yes.......Daddy?" He answered

~Izuku is wayyyyyyy too drunk~

"I-I'm too hard baby, we gotta stop" he said shaking his head

"You're right" Izu said slowing to a stop "Shouto c'mere"

"W-wh-" he cut me off before I could properly ask 'why'

"Just c'mere" he ordered, I walked towards him slowly, when I got to him, he did the same thing he did to Kat to me

"Hold my hips babe" he said as he swayed his hips, grinding on me. I held his hips and he added more pressure to his grinding like Kat did, the only difference is that Kat was turned to me when he did it, Izu has his back turned to me grinding his beautifully fat ass on my half hard dick, and to make it worse, he lifted his skirt so I could feel the outline of his perfectly round ass through his boxes

"Baby f🤗!" I hissed gripping his hips tighter

"You like it when I do this?" He asked seductively add a little bit more pressure

"F🤗! Baby yes!" I said feeling myself grow extremely hard

"Mmmm~" he moaned softly "your ready baby"


"R-ready for what?!" I asked as he grabbed Kat and I's hands pulling us upstairs

"Ready......" He said grunting as he pushes us onto the bed, he then locked the door and climbed on top of us "to f🤗 me"

~Wait what!?!~

------------------- hello my lovelies how'd you like this chapter. Can you believe I wrote this and 'Meeting the Mom and party loving' in one day!?! Yeah I know, I'm awesome 😎. Bye~


❤️❤️❤️Love You❤️❤️❤️

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