Mysterious Voice

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~Izuku's POV~

"KAMIII~" I slurred. After we met up with Ojiro and Hagakure at the club, Kaminari decided that we should play an....... advanced version of Truth or Dare. Jirou was now drunk and just got a new job as a striper, but only for tonight, Hagakure was not drunk because she's not playing and is our designated driver and is playing a game on her phone, Kami's drunk and telling some random dude about kirishima and Shinsou, and me?............ I'M JUST DRUNK AS F🤗!! I DON'T KNOW WHAT I'M DOING!!

"SUP LIL DUDE!!~" Kami yelled drunkly over the loud music of the club, coming to sit with me at the bar counter nearly tripping over his own feet.

"I need another vodka" I slurred to the bartender

"Coming right up" she said walking away coming back a few seconds.....or was it days..... I don't know but she came back with my shot......or was it shoot.... I don't know but she came back with my vodka

"Ka....m....Kami I'm gonna go call Sho....Sho-ccan and Kaa-shan and maybe even Shin....Shinshima and kirisou" I slurred sliding off the bar stool "drink my vodka, don't watch it~"

I then got my phone off the counter and walked.... well stumbled out the door. I looked through the contacts of my phone finding Sho-ccan's number texting him.


He didn't reply but I know he saw the message. Whatever the message is. I started laughing to myself for no apparent reason before Sho-ccan called me.




"Hey baby~" I slurred over the phone

"Izu are you drunk!?!" He asked in his sexy voice. I humm thinking about him.....naked.

"I don't know baby, come bend over me and find out~" I leaned forward on Jirou's car...... well at least I think it's Jirou's car. Jirou's car is red.... right?

"As much as I'm tempted to, I'm not taking advantage of you in this state" he said sounding like he's doing something

"C'mon baby I'll even take my clothes off so you can get right to it~" I slurred unzipping my jacket

"Don't you dare" he said running. Well at least it sounded like he was running, I honestly don't know

"Ooooh~ you wanna rip my clothes off yourself, oookay~ I'll be waiting" I said, I then felt someone slap my ass. I turned around seeing a man about as tall as Kaa-shan with black hair and black eyes. Or maybe they look black because it's night time "Hey don't you dare slap my ass! I have four husbands!"

"Yeah well I'mma have one soon" he said caressing my left cheek, groping my ass with his other hand

"Oh you have a husband too? One of mine's on the phone right now, you wanna talk to him?~" I asked handing the guy my phone. I heard Sho-ccan saying something but I couldn't hear clearly

"Too late" the guy said on the phone while I play with strings of his black hoodie and he grops my ass "I'll be awaiting your arrival, if you can find me and your little Izuku Midoriya"

"That's me" I wispered to myself as he hung up the phone and shoved me in the car I was leaning on throwing my phone at me making it hit my in my face before falling into my lap "dude, two things, who are you and where are we going?"

"I can't tell you my name, but we're going to my house" he said backing out of the parking lot of the club

"But what about my friends?" Laying down in the back of the car and closing my eyes preparing to sleep

"Oh don't you worry about them" he said chuckling

"Okay" I then let the darkness consume me

🥦💥❄️🔥Time Skip brought to you by Lazy Author-chan [it's like about 8:26 when he was kidnapped so its about 10:42 now]🔥❄️💥🥦

"Nnnngg" I groan waking up. I tried sitting up in the bed- wait BED!?! my eyes shot open looking around me. I was in a room, bedroom to be exact with a black and white colour scheme (A/N that's all I'mma put there you figure it out I'm too lazy😑) and a chandelier hanging from the ceiling lighting up the room. I don't remember ever coming here, all I remember is going into the club, playing truth or dare, going outside to talk to Sho-chan and......... being shoved into a red car by some random guy.

I was apparently on a four poster king sized bed with my hands cuffed to the top two and my feet to the other two, I was still in my original clothes which is good but my stockings and heels were no where to be found making me start to panic and try to get out of the cuffs. That's when I heard him.

"I see you're awake~" he said, I started looking all over the room but I couldn't find the source of the voice. Until I saw a speaker in the top right corner of the room, a camera beside it, one above the door and another in the top left corner.

"Who are you!?! Where am I!?!" I shouted in the room looking straight at the camera above the door

"You're in my house Izuku~" he said "but I can't tell you who I am yet~"

"How do you know who I am!?!" I scream struggling to get out of the cuffs

"Oh you don't remember my voice baby?~" he said with fake innocence "I'm hurt~"

"W-who a-are you?" I stuttered tears prickling my eyes

"Baby I told you I can't tell you who I am yet~" he said and my tears ran freely down the sides of my face, and I swear I heard him moan.

"Baby stop crying, you're making me hard and I don't wanna touch that beautiful body yet~" he moaned

"P-please, l-let me g-go" I stuttered through my tears

"Do you really want me to come down there and screw you baby boy?~" he asks and I vigorously shook my head hiccuping "then stop crying, the more you cry the hornier I get~"

"P-please, I-I'll give you what you want, j-just please l-let me g-go" I sobbed as I continue to struggled out of the cuffs

"But baby~" he said "I want you~"

My eyes widened as I stopped struggling but then started to have a panic attack. It lasted about ten minutes before I passed out.

Please, Kaachan, Sho-chan, please save me



No I'm not going to reveal who the master mind behind Izuku's kidnap in the next chapter 😑

Readers: *throws pitchforks at my house*


Readers: then tell us who kidnapped our beloved cinnamon roll!!


Readers: we wanna know NOW!!

Readers: *throws more pitchforks and torches at my house*

Me: *runs away to another country*

Okay I lost them.
Anyway, Bye~


❤️❤️❤️Love You❤️❤️❤️

Continue to vote comment and stay safe my lovelies.

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