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~Todoroki's POV~

"What the actual f🤗 are we doing here?" Katsuki asked as we stood in front of the carnival entrance. "I'm telling you, Izu's probably having more fun than we're about to"

"Will you stop complaining" I said slapping his ass making him jump a little

"Yeah, Bakubro, stop complaining and let's go" kirishima said before practically dragging Shinsou into the carnival

"Let's go babe" I said taking his hand in mine following the others.

"Where to first?" he asked

"Rollercoaster" I said grinning thinking about how he's probably going to piss his pants.

"Okay let's go" he said calmly pulling me over to the line

"You ready for this?" I asked as we got in making sure we're not going to fall out when it does a loop-ti-loop

"Yup" he said confidently holding onto the bars as the rollercoaster set off slowly going up

"You're not scared?" I asked raising an eyebrow at him

"Not anymore" he said seriously

~If he is over his rollercoaster fear I owe kirishima ¥1000~

"How so?" I asked

"One, I know you and shitty hair bet on me and two, I realized my fear was....... pretty much, petty" he shrugged

"How did you know we bet on you?" I asked

"Izu's rubbing off on you" he said making me confused "you were mumbling about how if I'm over my rollercoaster fear you owe him ¥1000"

"I'm going to spank that little broccoli when I get home" I grumbled making Kat laugh

Before we went down I heard someone shreak "LOOK IT'S TODOROKI SHOTO!! ENDEAVOR'S SON!!" Almost immediately I heard squeals of my stalkers behind me

"They're going to burst my eardrums" Kat mumbled before the rollercoaster went down, up, loop-ti-loop, down, up....... y'know, the usual rollercoaster shit. For the entire ride Kat looked like me on a daily basis.

(A/N picture above 🤣🤣🤣)

"U-uhhh, h-hi T-todoroki?" I looked behind me to see a girl with green hair that looked like vines, dark green eyes and creamy skin.

"Hi" I said glancing at Kat who had a knowing look on his beautiful face

"I was w-wondering if w-we could g-go out s-sometime" she stuttered playing with a lock of her hair

"Ummm, sorry uh, I can't" I said glancing at Kat for her to see, but she just had a confused expression looking between me and Kat.

"C'mon babe" Kat said pulling me over to the ferris wheel leaving the girl behind with a shocked expression.

"Thank you" I said sighing

"You have so many people wrapped around your little finger" Kat said pulling me into one of the ferris wheel carts

"What can I say, I'm just too sexy" I said smirking

"Oh shut up Icy-Hot" he said rolling his eyes

"Why do you call me 'Icy-Hot'?" I asked forrowing my brows

"Because, you always have that cold expression on your face but you have a hot bod" he said winking at me making me blush like a fire truck

~you and Izu are going to be the death of me~

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