The Peppermint f🤗s the Pameranian

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Todoroki's POV~

"How on earth are we going to survive without him?" I asked Kat as he parks the car in our garage

After Izu's Mom scared the shit out of us, we slowly backed up to the car and reluctantly left.

I swear that woman was a little scarier than Mitsuki, and that's saying something.

"I have no idea" Kat said opening the front door for me

"What a gentleman" I said sarcastically

"Your sarcasm is not wanted here" he said walking in after me

"FINALLY! YOU ASSHOLES ARE HOME!" Mitsuki yelled from the living room

"Hi Mitsuki" I said sitting next to her on the couch "when did you get here?"

"Fifteen minutes ago" she said scowling"Where's my son?"

"Ummm, I'm right here" Katsuki said from my lap

"I was talking about Izuku" she said rolling her eyes

"Oh he' his..... mom's house" Katsu said grinding on me

~F🤗! If he keeps this up I'll be way to hard to move~

"Oh, okay" she said walking over to the library "I already made lunch, go get it when you want it"

"Katsuki" I said gripping his waist as I sped up his grinding

"Yeah" he said breathlessly

"You know how you top me most of the time?" I asked palming him through his pants

"Mmhmm~" he moaned speeding up his grinding on my hard dick

"We're going to switch right now~" I wispered seductively

"I don't have a single problem with that~" he moaned turning around so he was straddling me and continued to grind

"Let's go" I said getting up, of course I still had him in my arms, his legs around my waist (still grinding) and his arms around my neck as he kissed, bit, licked and sucked it making little moans escape my lips

"Ah" he breathed as I threw him on the bed.

"Babe?" I called out as I locked the door

"Y-yeah" he said laying on the bed palming himself.

I slapped his hand away and he whimpered "one, no touching yourself, two where's my phone?" I asked

"H-here" he said taking it out of his pocket and I texted Izu.

🥦Broccoli-Devil😈has changed ❄️Cold-Hottie🔥 to ❄️MakesMeHard🔥

~Well then, two can play at that game~

❄️MakesMeHard🔥 has changed 🥦Broccoli-Devil😈 to 🤤Daddy'sBaby💦

Really 😑

Change my name 🤨


🤤Daddy'sBaby💦 has changed ❄️MakesMeHard🔥 to  🤤Baby'sDaddy💦

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