Our Lost Baby Boy

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~Todoroki's POV~
[Same night]

"WHAT DO YOU MEAN YOU THINK SOMEONE KIDNAPPED HIM!?!" Kat yelled as I drove towards the club Kaminari said they were going to


"HOW!?!" He yelled

"I DON'T FRICKIN KNOW!!" I yelled parking at the side of the road running over to the club making sure I don't kill myself by getting hit Kat, Shinsou and Kirishima following closely behind

"ID please sir?" the bouncer who just happens to be kirishima's ex asked

"I don't have time for this Tetsutetsu" I said

"Todoroki?" He asked looking at me closely "go right ahead dude"

I ran into the club looking for Jirou, Kaminari or Hagakure, any of them would be helpful right about now "there" I said running over to Kaminari at the bar counter

"Heyyyy Todoroki~" he slurred almost falling off the stool if Izuku wasn't just kidnapped, I'd laugh

"Where's Izu?" I asked getting straight to the point

"Oh he went outside, said he was going to call some dudes named 'Sho-ccan' and 'Kaa-shan' hurry up he might be cheating on you" he said falling off the stool

"Okay back outside" I ran outside before turning to Kat, Kirishima and Shinsou "spread out, look for anything that Izu had with him" they nodded and began looking

I looked, behind the club, on the sidewalk and at the front of the club, but found nothing

"Todoroki I found something!" I turned around to see Kirishima running over to me

"What did you find?" I asked

"His wallet, it has an envelope in it addressed to you but doesn't state who it's from it just has some initials on it" he said handing me the wallet

I opened the envelope to see a letter and the bracelet I gave Izu when we made up

Dear Shouto Todoroki or Katsuki Bakugou
   If either of you have found this, then that means I'm already playing with your little boy toy, or not, who knows. I've been watching you three for a while now ever since I found out MY IZUKU had boyfriends, not one, but two.

You're probably wondering who I am, I'm Zuku's first crush (A/N: go back to 'A Trip Down Memory Lane and Growling?' if you don't understand), if you still don't know who I am then finding me will be a lot harder because not even Uraraka knows about me.

I'll be nice and give you three hints, one, we're not in the city, two we went north and three I'm not rich like you but I'm not poor like Hisashi, Izuku's deceased father.

Good luck, you'll need it.


"Shouto?" I heard Kat call me as I fall to my knees

"So you're telling me" I mumbled to myself "THAT IZUKU'S BEEN KIDNAPPED BY A FRICKIN YANDERE LOVER!?!"

"What?" Kat asked not understanding the situation

"Here!" I yelled shoving the letter in his face

"Apparently" he mumbled massaging his forehead "well, the good news is that we have four clues to try and find him"

"He gave us three hints Kat" I said forrowing my brows

"We know that he's not in the city, they went north, he's well off AND that his initials are S." He said

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