Wedding Sex

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~Izuku's POV~

"Scream as loud as possible" Sho-chan said and almost immediately Kaachan's lips were on mine. I felt two pairs of hands fumble with the zipper at the back of the dress.

The dress then fell from my shoulders revealing the small pink lingerie I wore underneath. I blushed madly

~What the hell was I thinking putting this on?!~

Kaachan and Sho-chan ignored my blushing state and got on their knees. Hands began trailing all over my body squeezing my thighs and ass sometimes making me moan occasionally

Kaachan then stood up lifting my hands to his chest "Undress me" he said, lust swimming in his eyes and I'm pretty sure Sho-chan looked the same. I slowly unbuttoned the jacket and shirt throwing them to the side, I got rid of the tie and began unbuckling his pants before pulling it off. I then reached for his boxers but he stopped me "we'll leave that for later"

"R-right" I said moving my hands away from his boxers as he and Sho-chan exchanged positions

"Same here" he said panting slightly. I quickly undressed him not bothering to touch his boxers

"Lie down Izuku~" Kaachan wispered "and don't forget to spread your legs wide~"

I gulped loudly crawling onto the bed, I laid on my back doing as told. Kaachan and Sho-chan then began making out Sho-chan letting Kaachan take control of him. Soon enough they stopped and returned their attention to me

"Don't worry princess~" Sho-chan said breathlessly crawling onto me

"We'll take good care of you~" Kaachan reassured also crawling onto me

Their hands slipped between my legs feeling around causing me to moan a few times. They finally touched my dick, I began panicking

~Shit! I'm so hard, will they be turned off?!~

In fact, they were just the opposite. The began palming me through the lace panties I was wearing suddenly wishing they weren't there "mmmmmnnnn~" I moan loudly gripping Kaachan's right shoulder and Sho-chan's left

"F🤗!" Kaachan hissed "Izuku, you're so hard!~"

"Let's just get rid of the panties Katsuki~" Sho-chan said making me blush

"Y-yeah" Kaachan said his other hand slithering up to my nipples squeezing it

"Nnnah!~" I moan loudly gripping their shoulders tighter. I then felt Kaachan and Sho-chan pull the panties off of me, I quickly tried to cover my dick but Kaachan's mouth beat me to it "mmmmnnn~"

After Kaachan took his mouth off of me Sho-chan flipped me onto my hands and knees pulling out the laces at the back of the lingerie pulling it off my body making me completely naked.

I laid back onto my back only for Kaachan's lips to latch onto my neck; sucking, licking, biting and leaving a trail of kisses. Sho-chan licked, bit and played with my now very sensitive nipples "ahhhh!~ K-kaachan!~ Sh-Sho-chan!~"

"Goddamn it Izuku" Kaachan mumbled "you're going to drive me crazy"

"You can say that again" Sho-chan said before going to my hard nipples

They then kissed, sucked, bit and licked every inch of my body "I think we've played with him enough Shouto" Kaachan said slightly breathless

"I think so too" Sho-chan said standing up and reaching for his boxers. Soon both of them were naked in front of me, Their very Big and very hard dicks on full display. I whimpered scooting away from them only to be pulled back by my legs

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