Ch.10-just keep swiming

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Flash back
Cameron's POV!)

"Come on!" My mom yelled dragging Sam into the car. "mom!" She screamed angrily. I held her down as she went crazy trying to get out the car. my mom started he car and sped off. "stop it Samantha!" Our father yelled from the passenger seat. "I'm taking you home!" My mom yelled at Sam. "you bitch! Stop trying to controll me like you crontrolled Dr.Hess! Yeah, I know about your little secret. Your in the agency too arnt you? Trying to protect the city, we'll how is that turning out for you? You couldn't protect dave, mark or Riley. I fucking hate you." Sam said unraveling untold secrets. my mom turned around to say something and ran a red light. I saw bright lights come towards us and the ear piercing sound of the car honking. everything blacked out.

End of flashback


Carter and Nash took me outside and across the street to mcdonalds. they forced me to sit down. "what the hell Sam!" Nash screams at me. I close my eyes and rolled it. "What's going on between you and Cameron?" He asked. "nothing, ok?" I replied and he was mad. "I've known you since you were 8. come on." "I'm leaving Nash!" I said and stood up and he don't bother to argue. I walked out and went across the street and went to my room.
It was empty and only 5:24 pm. I looked out the window and saw a private pool to my left it was empty and well lit with blue and white lights. I put on a black bikini me and mahogany bought. I looked at myself in the mirror. my boobs were big and the bikini made me look like a thot. I sighed and threw a long sheer thin white cardigan over it. I grabbed my towel and my phone and slipped on some white flip-flops. I walked to the elevator and went to the main floor. I walked to the back and went to the pool. I put my stuf on a chair and slowly stepped in. it felt good. I swam around enjoying what I had. "can I join?" Shawn asked behind me making me scream. "oh my god!" I yelled and he laughed. "can I?" He repeated and I nodded my head. he stepped in and we started swimming around. "so I heard what happened." he said ruining the good moment. "and?" I replied. "sorry, I shouldn't have said anything." "it's fine." We both heard running and laughing and turned our heads an saw all the boys and girls running in and the boys jumping in the pool. "What the hell?" Shawn yelled in shock. "sorry I ruin the moment but Bart told us you guys were back here and we didn't knew there was a pool!" Taylor said as I rolled my eyes saying goodbye to the peaceful moment I had. mahogany dipped in and I saw a girl come by. "oh yeah! This is Deborah!" Carter said getting out and hugging her. "hey! Babe you getting me wet." "That's what carter does!" Nash said and I realized the nasty joke. "ew." she said. "hi I'm Sam!" I said and smiled. "I'm Kalyna, this is mohogany. there's nash, cameron, matt, Taylor, the jacks, shawn, and aaron. I think Brent is at Taco Bell right now." Kalyna said pointing to each guy. "Ok." she answered. she set her towel down and sling her bag off her shoulder and got in the pool too. he and carter just cuddled around at the corner if the pool quietly talking to each other. matt swam over here with tired, lazy eyes. "I like you bikini." he slurred and his breathe smelled like beer. "are you drunk matt?" I asked and he shook his head. "of course not!" He said in a high pitched voice. "oh my gosh your drunk matt." I said and he started hugging me. "what are you doing." I asked and he smiled at me. "giving you a hug duh!" He answered. "woah! You have a belly button piercing! That's so cool! Can I touch it? Wait will it hurt if I touch it. oh my gosh sam!" He poked my piercing squealing and jumping around splashing water with each move. "hahaha, calm down!" I laughed. "I'm tired can you take me upstairs?" He asked leaning on me unable to keep his head up for 30 seconds. "ok come one." I got him out the pool and dried off. I grabbed my stuff and we walked inside. damn it I left my key in the room. "you got a baeee! Or NAWW!" He yelled to the guy behind the counter. "matt!" I playfully scolded. "can I have another room key I left mines in my room." "of course." the guy said. "AYE! Get away from her! Wanna fight? let's go!" Matt yelled when the guy touched my hand giving me the key. matt tried to jump over the counter until I pulled him. "matt!" I yelled at him. "I'm so sorry he's really drunk." I apologized and the guy understood. I took him to the elevator and he pushed like 20 buttons trying to click floor 6. "uh matt! I got it!" I pushed his hand away and pressed the button. "I'm ganna kill that man downstairs." He said angrily. "oh shut up." I said joking. "he touched your hand! Did he hurt you?" He asked and grabbed my hand inspecting every inch if my hand. the elevator stopped and we walked to my room. I unlocked it and I threw my stuff on the bed. matt laid on the covers falling asleep. I got in the shower washing my hair and body. I got out and dried myself throwing on comfy Adidas shorts and a loose tanktop. I pulled my hair up and put my phone on the charger. "matt!" I yelled and he jumped up. "what?" He asked. i laughed and climbed in bed. "nevermind." I said and he climbed in bed too. "can you turn off the lamp?" I asked him but he was asleep. it was on his side of the bed so I had to lay on top of him and switch it off. I flipped over and he wrapped his arm around me pulling me closer closing the gap between us. "goodnight." he mumbled. "goodnight." I replied and fell sleep.
I woke up and matt was turned around curled in a ball. he was shivering and the blanket was kicked on the floor. I looked out the window and the sun was barely out. i grabbed the blanket and threw it over us. he pulled all I it leaving me without any. I yanked some back, until we were playing tug-a-war for 5 minutes. I gave up and just laid there. I fell back asleep.

Matts POV

I woke up with a bad head ache confused where I was. I looked over and Sam was in a ball cold af. I felt bad that I was wrapped in a warm blanket. I threw some on her and wrapped my arms around her. "asshole." she mumbled with her eyes closed but I knew she was awake. "sorry, good morning tho." I said and she slowly opened her eyes revealing her beautiful brown eyes. "morning." she answered. "how did I get here?" I asked confused but I wasn't complaining I was in bed with Sam. "you were drunk so I took you here and you almost beat up one of the workers here." I replied and he chuckled. "I'm hungry." He whined. "and? What am I supposed to do?" "We'll you are a girl. make me someting!" "Fine let's get breakfast downstairs." I said and he got up. I got up and threw on some slippers. I fixed my hair and redid my ponytail. we walked to the elevator and went to the lobby. we walked to the tiny food area and I grabbed pancakes and scrambled eggs with a few pieces of bacon. I made myself coffee while matt found us a table. we sat down and he left his fork. he walked away. I sipped my coffee until the bitch, Tracy walked over here. "Hey! I remember you! What are you doing here? Where's matt?" She asked and I was so close to killing her. "I'm famous on vine." I replied and nodded. "K, is matt here?" She asked again. "nope." i lied until matt walked over and sat down not noticing the hoe beside me. "can walruses eat pancakes?" He asked not paying attention. "hey matt!" Tracy squealed excited. "shit." matt cursed. "don't sound excited." she said sounding hurt. "SECURITY!" Matt yelled and our body guard Harrison grabbed her and escorted her. "um," I didn't know what to say. "do you still talk to her?" I asked. "no Sam! I promise!" He answered and I believed him. "ok." I replied. "but I don't care, were not dating anyways." I added not looking at him. "ugh, Sam. I fuqing love you!" He said making me look up at him. I was taught to never say the 'L' word or you'll regret it. I don't know if I was ready. I didn't know what to say either. "I just don't want your to think that I like someone else because I really do like you a lot and I always have. I'll always love you." he said and I had a million butterfly's in my stomach. apart of me knew I liked him a lot but the other part me me was still mad at him. I finished up my food and threw it away.

I put on a pair of cuffed jean shorts and a muscle tee with a black bandeau under it. I did my makeup and curled my hair in beachy waves with a curling iron Kalyna let me use. the limo picked us up and we went to place we were having the event.
After magcon we were leaving to Georgia. I packed up my stuff and Cameron brung it to the taxi cab. "hurry up!" I yelled to Kalyna and Alexis that was taking forever! "Ok calm you damn tits!" Alexis yelled back grabbing her purse. Deborah got in the car and squished between me and matt. "So how long have you and matt dated?" She asked me. "were not dating." I answered and matt winked at me. "yet." he smirked. "NOPE! HES NOT MAN ENOUGH TO DO IT!" Carter shouted making me laugh. "whatever." matt turned red. we got got he airport and did all the checking and security stuff. we boarded the plane and Matt sat with carter and I sat with Cameron. "can we talk?" He whispered. we had to whisper because we didn't want to disturb the passengers. "ok." I was nervous about what he had to say. "nevermind it's not safe to say it on a plane." He changed his mind and that was like my biggest pet peeve, and he knew that. "come on Cam!" I begged shaking his arm. "no, you'll flip." he replied and swatted my hand off of him. I annoyingly roll my eyes. Putting in earbuds and falling asleep.
Yay! Early update ?? And super long ! At least I'm not late . Go check out my other book RunAway. and there's this Instagram profile user thingy and it's about the ORIGINAL magcon. If you love magcon I promise you won't regret checking it out! Her username is :@magcondudes_

Quote of the day: learn from yesterday, live for today, hope for tomorrow.


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