Ch.8- disaster date

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"Hey Sam!" Alexis said through the phone. "hi." I plainly replied. "so I'm ganna join you guys for the magcon tour." she said and my blood boiled. "why? So you can fuck my brother again?" "Look, I'm sorry. I was stupid and I want us to be friends again. please Sam forgive me, if you don't I don't know what I'll do your my best friend!" "Fine.. I'm still mad tho." "yayy!!" She screeched through the phone. "I need to tell you something!" She said excited. "I have this huge crush on matt, he's way to perfect! I can't wait to see him!" Jealousy raided my heart but I concealed it an decided to be a got friend and support her obsession on my crush. "yeah, you'll be cute together." "REALLY?!" "Yup." "I'm getting on the plane! See ya!" She said and him up. I finished unpacking my clothes. we were in New York currently and matts room was across the hall. everyday i saw him I found myself liking him more eachday. I threw my phone on the bed and mahogany came in the room. She and Kalyna shared a room. she seemed upset. she came in and laid on the bed. "what's wrong?" I asked grabbing my laptop and putting it on the desk. "nothing, just tired." lier. "I know your not okay. that's what I always say when I'm upset." I said and sat next to her on the bed. she heavily sighed and sat up. "Jacob met this girl and I just thought we had a thing, ya know?" I nodded. "did you ever told him how you felt? At all?" I replied and she shrugged. "no." she answered and looked at the pale white wall across the room.
"Maybe you should." I said and rubbed her back. "maybe he feels the same way."
"Of course he doesn't feel the same way Sam!" She said frustrated. "I'm me! Too tall, ugly and my hair is always a mess!" "Don't say that! Your so pretty,nice, smart and any guy that turns you down has serious problems." I assured and a smile tugged her lips. "thanks." "your welcome."
Matt came in with Alexis. "Sam!" Alexis ran up to me hugging me but I refused to move. "Oh my gosh! Your mahogany!" She fangirled. "hello!" She greeted, "I'm Alexis." she said back. "so uh yeah." I said akwardly and Alexis grabbed her suitcase and carried it to the corner of the room. "I'm ganna get some ice downstairs." "ill come with you." Matt said and grabbed the metal bucket. we walked out and pressed the button to go down. we walked on the elevator. "so um Alexis kinda has a crush on you." I said and he looked at me. "I kinda got my eye on someone else." he replys crushing my cold dark heart. "who?" I ask curiously. he smiles and chuckled stepping out the elevator. "it's a secret." he says and I get lost in his big brown eyes. "please tell me!" I beg and I stick the bucket under the ice machine. "she's pretty, has dimples and is super funny. And she really likes tanktops and cardigans, oh and she has ombré hair." who has ombré hair and wears tanktops a lot? I realize I'm wearing a cardigan with a tanktop and my hair is ombré. omfg! "Me?" I ask and he smiles cheekily. the ice machine buzzed and deposits ice out. "well, I like you too matt." I say and he blushes. he laughes. "But I really like you sam!" He says and grabs the full bucket. "I do too, I really like you matt not in a friendly way!" I blurt and he stands there shocked. stupid. I shouldn't have said anything. "nevermind," I walk to the elevator and he grabs my wrist. "will you go on a date with me?" He asks and I smile. "yes." I smile and we walk into the elevator.
"Your back!" Nash says jumping off the bed and jumping in my arms hugging me. "I was gone or 5 minutes!" "I know but I miss you!" "shut up!" Cam groans. "so what do you wanna do today?" Shawn asks everyone. "we could go to Times Square." jack j suggest. "we could go shopping." "or to the pool." "Idk." "Me and Sam are going somewhere tonight." matt says and everyone freezes and stares at us. "what?" Nash asks confused. "where?" "non of your business." Matt says and leaves. everyone else leaves to their rooms. "so a date huh?" Mahogany laughs. "your going on a date?" Alexis Asks upset. "yeah, sorry. I know you liked him and stuff. I can cancel the date if you want." I say guilty and her eyes widen. "no! It's fine but can I help you get ready?" She asks and I nod knowing I'll regret thing. "yes!" She exclaims and matt texts me telling me to wear something fancy.
Mahogany and Alexis rummage through the closet and through my bags. After 10 minutes of them choosing they decided on a high-low dress. they picked out bracelets and other accesories. they at me down and kaylna did my makeup while Alexis was searching for shoes. mahogany was arguing on the phone with Cameron, he wanted to get pizza but she wanted Chinese. "no! Come on cameron!" She shouted through the phone. "stop moving!" Kalyna scolded as I figited and twitched. I wasn't a big makeup person, eyeliner and mascara was it but I skipped mascara alot. "Your so stupid it's closed anyways!" Mahogany kept yelling. kaylna was done and blew on my face getting all the fallout off my cheeks. "done!" She exclaimed excitedly. "put this on. Alexis's gave me the dress. I went to the bathroom and put it on. I slipped the heels on and put the necklace,rings and bracelets on. I got out the bathroom and they all looked a time stunned. "aww your so gorgeous!" Kalyna squealed and they all came to hug me. I carefully walked to Cameron and matts room trying not to fall off these damn heels. I knocked on the door and Cameron opened it I noticed everyone was in the room. Cameron have me a big hug. "I swear if he taps that... I'll kill him!" He whispers making me laugh. everyone in the room stared at me stunned with their eyes widely opened. "um.." it was akward. "so where's matt?" I ask and matt walks in. "hi Sam!" He said in a tux. "are you ready?" He asks and i nod. he holds my hand and we walk out. we walk to the elevator and I couldn't stop smiling. "You look amazing Sam." he says and I blush. "You looks amazing too." I reply and we get off the elevator and outside into the car. "does Bart know About this?" "nope."
"Where we going?? Please tell me matt!" I plead after driving for what felt like forever but he shushes me. The car stops and we were a fancy restaurant. we walk inside and check in. we sit down and a waiter walks to us. "What the fuck" we both say to eachother once we recognize each others face. "Do you guys know eachother?" Matt asks confused. "yeah." Brayden, the waiter replied. "Can I talk to you?" He asks and I look at matt for permission. he nods and we walk to this hallway that led to the bathrooms. "what the fuck? why are you still here?" I ask and he looks down. "I had to work somewhere and I couldn't just leave." he answers. "WHY DIDNT YOU LEAVE WHEN YOU HAD THE FREAKING CHANCE BRAYDEN?!" I say raising my voice. I sigh and he tried to concentrate. "I need to stay. I can find more evidence to what happened ok?" "That was years ago. I dont want anything to do with that case and you shouldn't either. Mr.hess tried to warn us but you were the ass that went to abandon house and when he told us to leave the state and he'll clean our tracks, your still freaking here?!" I whisper-yell. "I know but there's more too it then a few missing girls! I figured out more incredible evidence and clues we could shut down Chris's traffic girls and gangs stuff, even the drug selling!" He says with so much passion in his voice. so much of me wants to smack the shit out of him. "no, I want you to leave New York or at least to a different city." I reply and he shakes his head. "Please stop this case it's done and over with, your smarter than this Brayden!" I scold and he refuses. "I think your date is waiting." he says and i walk to the table. matts seems irritated and I was frustrated and mad. "um.. I'm sorry." I apologize feelin bad that I ruined our first maybe last date. "what the hell? You were there for 20minutes!" He says and another waiter comes by. "hi my name's Tracy and I'll be your waiter tonight. are you interested in our new supreme champagne?" She asks and I shake my head "no, thanks." I reply and matt orders for us. She writes it down and winks at matt. matt lightly blushes and smiles looking down. ugh bitch. I look at Tracy and she smiles at me and disappears in the croud. "I like your dress." he says and kept looking at tracy that was across the resturant bending down grabbing her pencil that 'accidently dropped'. bitch. i bite my lip as I tried not to lose my temper. The bitch comes back and smiles at matt. "I forgot to ask what beverage." she says and slowly licks her lips. Matt smiles staring at her as I sit there so close to fucking slap her and fucking titty twist the shit out if her fake ass boobs. "Pepsi." I matt says. "is coc- I mean coke ok?" She asks and he nods. "um I'll have water." I answer and she rolls her eyes at me. "so how was your day?" He asks and the anger in my dies down alittle. "fine." I say and he nods. "how was yours?" I asks back and he doesn't answer, he's staring at Tracy walk back over here with the tray of our drinks. she sets matts drink down and tips the tray over spilling ice cold water on me. "hold shit what the fuck?!" I scream and standup. "oh I'm sorry!" She exclaims and I walk to the bathroom and get paper towels. I dry myself up and I was literally so done with her shit. after about 5 minutes my dress was dry. it only spilt on my lap. I walked back to the table and a new glass of water was sitting there. she comes with the food too. if she spills this shit on me I'll kill her. She sets the plates down and puts her hand on matts hand on the table. "I hope you have a nice meal." she says and looks at matt biting her lip and matt watches. I get angry. I stand up. "Here I think you'll have a nice night together." I say and grab my purse. I walk out and matt tries to follow me I get in a taxi cab leaving matt behind.

"So how was the date?" Mahogany asks excited. "really fun." I say not wanting to tell her how I left him with his hoe. "I'm just finished editing this cover I made. I'm really tired goodnight!" She says and closes her laptop. I go to the bathroom and take a long hot shower then go to bed.
Wassup? So tired so bored so excited! Something big is going to happen next chapter! Peace✌️
Quote of the day: wrists are for bracelets, not cutting.

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