Ch.14- Dark secrets

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We get off the plane and call a taxi. I was still upset and couldn't get it off my mind and I could tell Cameron was upset too.

We got home and I go to my room and drop my bags. I jump in my bed and fall asleep.
"Samantha wake up honey!" My grandma says clapping at how excited she was. I sit up and she hugs me. "I missed ya" she squealed and my grandpa hugs me. "Samantha I miss ya! Where'd ya go?" He asked. My grandpa didn't remember a lot of things. Me and cam got use to it. "Magcon grandpa!" I said giggling. "I made breakfast come on!" My grandma said getting up. "wait we gatta go pick up Cameron from football practice!" I hear my grandpa yell. I laughed shaking my head and got up. I was still in the clothes I had on yesterday. I showered and put on a clean outfit. I grabbed my phone and I got a million texts!

Matt:23 missed calls , 39 messages.
Nash: 11 missed calls , 13 messages
Aaron:6 missed calls
Kalyna: 7 missed calls ,4 messages......
<Click to open more....>

I groaned and walked down stairs. I see Cameron already sitting there shoving bacon in his mouth. I grab a plate and put pancakes eggs and bacon on it. I drench my pancakes in syrups because who doesn't like syrup? My phone rings and it's from matt. "no phones at the table honey." my grandma says. "let me just take this." I say and excuse myself. who the hell ever made that rule anyways? It's 2014 come on. I pick up the call.

"Heyy matt."😪
"Why'd you leave?"😥
"I couldn't see Bart. it was just so... ugh I'll be back I promise."😓
"Ok, but Kalyna is really bummed you left and didn't say goodbye to anyone and Cameron didn't say anything either."😣
"Oh. I'm sorry I left though."
"No, it's completely understandable. I just really like you and wanted to ask you something."😅
"I'll be a wuss if I asked you you ou- I mean.... so.... How the weather there?"😅
"We'll your right you would be a complete wuss if you asked me out on the phone"😏
"Whaatt?? Psshh I wasn't ganna sat that!"😰😅
"Yeah ok matt."😏
"I miss you tho."😥😩
"Haha I miss you too matt!"😩😞
"Aghh! Carter! I have to go carter fell in the dumpster! Pull him out! Nash grab his legs! Eww S-"

He hung up. those crazy guys. I chuckled to myself and went back to the table. I missed being home. I realized I missed a weekly video! Oh my gosh! I shoved half the food in my mouth and sprinted to my room. I grabbed my camera and set up my lights. I turned the camera on. "Hey guys! It's sam! damn what was I ganna do today?" -.- typical me. I groaned and called Cameron up here. "yeah what's up?" He asked closing he door behind him. "video ideas..." I said tapping my chin. "Hm.." We thought for a second. "let's do a tag or challenge together!" He exclaims. "ok. how about the sibling tag?" I suggest and he nods. I gathered questions and start the camera up again. "Whats up guys! It's Sam! I'm here with. My brother also known as ... Cameron Dallas!" I said and he laughed. "so were going to do the sibling tag." He says. "so were ganna ask eachother questions and see who gets the most right! But I'm by ganna win so watever." I said cockily and he chuckled. "Nope, I'm the better sibling so bye!" He replied and I laughed. "Ok you ready?" He nodded. "what's my favorite color?" I smirked. "purple duh!" "Ok. um what's my favorite movie?" I ask and he thinks for a second. "NEMO!" He shouts. "what's our funniest moment together?" I ask and laugh at the memory when we were kids. "Um.. when.. i dunno sam!" He whined and I laugh. "I really didn't known what to put for this but remember when we went to hersey park and you asked the old lady on a date and she hit you?" I asked lagging and he feel on the bed dying if laughter. we finished the video after a couple more questions. we filmed the rest of cams questions on his channel. "Cameron I wanna apologize for snapping at you I was just worried what would happen and I'm sorry I made you leave magcon And I'm just sorry I killed mom and dad! I'm sorry for being a shitty sister!" I yelled and he hushed me pulling me in a hig. "I need to tell you something Sam. even though you might not believe me." he says and he exhaled air and looked me straight in the eye. "dad isn't necessarily our dad." he says. "what?!" Wh-" "before you say anything let me explain the whole situation!" My breath hitched and I can tell he regret saying that. "ok. when we were kids dad was one of moms coworkers. dr.hess is actually our father. Ben our fake dad wanted to protect us from a certain case that mom was assigned. I remember throwing my basket ball to you in there office and knocked the filling cabinet over. I read some of the cases and papers. I was confused at first but then pieced it together when 'dad' or Ben started becoming our father." he said and I was super confused. "i don't understand Cameron!" I yelled. he sighed. "Ben is our father to protect us from a case that mom was sent to kill someone. she eventually killed him and his brother swore to kill anything or anyone mom loved and that was us and dr.hess. dr.hess left to protect himself and Ben was there to protect us. but when mom crashed the car and died I asked to see the other driver. it was the man mom killeds brother. Is that makes more sense I guess." my eyes was wide and my eyebrows were scrunched and I was to shocked. my mom and dad were secret agents to clear something's up. I knew we were always in a little danger because of her job but I never knew it was that bad.
Omg I don't know what's going on either so it's ok. lol.

Qoute of the day: those who are unaware of they are walking in the darkness with never see the light.


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