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"Samantha." My mom whispered. she was, in a white gown. we were in a never ending white room. I ran to her and tried to hug her but she disappeared and I was so confused. the floor got mushy and I was slowly sinking in. "what's going on?" I said confused until I went straight through the floor. I was in my old house. it was dark and chilly. the only light was from a few candles. I felt like I was in a horror movie. I heard the faint sobs of a girl. I was so scared but I walked forward. I went up our wooden staircase and of course went to my room. the walls were of picture of every bad memory I had. I was on the bed crying. wait what? I was watching myself cry on my bed. "Sam?" I whispered. "what's going on?" She asked. I heard a loud thud in the hallway and turned my head to see what it was. when I turned back around she or I was gone. "sam!" I called for myself. "please save me from myself." she screamed and it rang in my ear and echoed through my head. I covered my ears as the ringing noise got louder and louder. "I'm not your father! He is." my dad pointed to dr.hess. at the end of the hall. "Sam! Don't do it!" Cameron yelled in my head. "let me sleep." She whispered in my ear and vanished. "I'm sorry Samantha your grandmother died." someone said to me. I kept running around the house but the words got scarier and I was stuck in my own dark thoughts. "STOP!" I screamed and the voices stopped talking to me. "Samantha, please help me!" I yelled To myself. i tried to exit the house but the doors kept disappearing into walls. the windows turned into pictures. "stop!stop!stop!" I screamed. "your mothers dead." the words replayed over and over. i screamed really loud getting all the voices to stop.

I woke up screaming with every passenger staring at me. I was panting like crazy. I got up and went to the tiny restroom. I washed my face and dried it. I was still half shaking. I walked out and matt was standing tere waiting for me. "what happened?" he asked concerned. "Nothing, I just had a bad dream. I'm fine matt." I assured him but he was still worried. "What happened in your dream?" He asked and we both started walking to my seat. "nothing serious." I said and sat down. "Ok." he said back and cam was really worried. "WHAT THE HELL HAPPENED?!" He whisper yelled. "I just had a bad dream." I answered and he wasnt convinced. "what happened?" He asked. "I was in our old house and it was dark. I couldn't leave and the house was filled with bad memories. but there was one that I didn't understand. dad said he wasn't our dad and that dr.hess was. I didn't get it. I was stuck in my own thoughts." I wanted to cry talking about it but I hate crying. it's literally the worst thing ever. "oh." he said and looked guilty. he pressed his lips and looked away. "are you ok?" I asked and scrunched my eyebrows more concerned than he was. "Yeah just thinking about mom and dad." he said and I decided to drop the sensitive subject.

The plane landed and we got in a taxi cab. the drive wasn't long but I was getting car sick. we got out the car and Cameron tried grabbing kalyna,mines,and his bags. "cam, here." I said and grabbed my bags. we got to the huge hotel and checked in. "Sam can I have a word?" Bart asked and I nodded. I glanced at matt ad he looked worried. he took me to a empty office room. "I saw pictures of you and matt on a dinner date a few days ago and I know it was not photoshopped." my palms began to sweat. "um we were j-" "save the excuses Deborah snitched. I expect you'll follow my rules next time. right?" "Yes. I'm sorry." I said and we walked out. we went to our rooms and everyone kept asking what happend, I didn't say anything. I was sharing with Kalyna. "Do you have some shampoo?" She asked and I threw her a bottle and she grabbed her towel and went to the bathroom. I was too lazy to unpack so I just threw my suitcase in the corner of the room against the wall. it was 7:32 pm and the sun was setting. my phone buzzed and matt was calling me

"Hello matt?"😀
"Hey sam"😜
"Can you meet me in the lobby?"😅
"Please? Hurry before I get nervouse!"😅😖
"Ok,ok,ok give me a sec."😐
"Ok bye."😄

I hung up and slipped my shoes on. "I'm going to the lobby with matt ok?" I yelled so Kalyna can hear me while she was in the bathroom. "ok bye!" She yelled back. i walked out and shut the door behind me. I walked quickly to the elevator not being able to hold my anxiousness in. I pressed the lobby button and it brung me down. I saw matt waiting there. i walked over to him and sat next to him. "what's up?" I asked trying to hide the curiosity that filled me. "Samantha Pricilla Dallas, ever since I met you I really liked you. I know this seems really forward and our last date was terrible and I want us to work out. will you go on a date with me?" He asked and I didn't know what to say.
••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••Ehh should she say yes? I'm still debating. Also I need more girls in my book to go out with the other magcon boys! Early update !

Quote of the day: do what you love and you'll never work a day in your life.


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