Ch.31- Well shit...

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*Scarlett Liethold as Sam Dallas*

I've been having dreams. Dreams of my parents, and grandparents. It's not good dreams either.

I wake up from my nap. I sleep a lot now, it's a lot easier. I've fallen into a deep depression too. And worst I've been cutting more. And even worst I'm lonely.

I fix my hair and change Into a pair of shorts and a croptop. I threw on a denim jacket.

I walk downstairs and see matt and Alex talking.
"You can't tell anyone!" She exclaimed. I stopped halfway down the steps so I can stall and eavesdrop.
"We'll, I can't. I'm 16 what the fuck an I going to do?" Matt responded. I head a creaking noise behind me.

"Sh." I stopped Cameron. We were both now eavesdropping.

"I'm not getting an abortion." Alex stated and matt sighed heavily.

My eyes widened as I looked at Cameron who's eyes were glassy.

This dumb ass bîtčh is pregnant? Again?! Oh my fucking god I can't. She's pregnant by my ex? Wow. I'm so done with her shit.

I ran up to her and slapped her.
"You dumb ass bitch! Your a slut!" I grabbed her hair and she tried to push me.

"Sam!" Matt yelled and grabbed me. "You asshole!" Cameron punched matt. I continued to punch Alexis as cam punches matt. I hear all the boys rush down and grab me and Cameron. "Fucking hoe!" I screech and lunge at her. I get another slap in before Nash and Kalyna are holding me.

Carter,Taylor, and jack johnson are trying to calm Cameron down who is going ballistic.

"Your a fucking dick! Go to hell!" I kick matts crotch as I'm being pulled away.

He falls over and Alexis is struggling to get up.

Nash lossens his grip on me. And we walk to the loft downstairs.
"That hoe! I just wanna roundhouse fucking backhand the shit out of her!" Kalyna says in frustration.

"So what happened again?" Jack J. Asked confused

"Okay so when we were at the beach, matt and Alexis were getting it in and so she's pregnant again!" I say and Cameron snaps his head up at me.

"Wait so you knew?" He said standing up.

"We'll yes but, I assumed she told you because she said she would.." I answer and he's even madder.

"What? Are you fuckig serious? You bitch! You should've told me! Things would've been so much better but no! Everything is always about you Sam! It's always been since day one! Your the reason our parents are dead, your so selfish. You think the world resolves around you and your so damn petty. Your a fucking brat!" He yelled at me stepping closer with each word. He towers over me a few inches away.

My stomach twist Into a knot.

"I'm sorry...." I say quietly and walk away. We'll shit...

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