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ok this book might be slow updated (?) bcs i wanna finish manhwa first also i have school on monday ugh

as soon as i heard the sound of the door being closed, i immediately jumped to my new bed and sighed pleasingly at how comfortable it was

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as soon as i heard the sound of the door being closed, i immediately jumped to my new bed and sighed pleasingly at how comfortable it was. but then a thought crossed my mind which made me abruptly sat up on the bed

i decided to take a shower first so that my sleep later will be much more enjoyable. i hop off the bed and went straight to my suitcase, i figured i might need to bring my whole entire wardrobe since this will be a long stay

"i'll put you guys in later" i mumbled as i open the suitcase and took all of my necessities before standing straight and went to the bathroom. the guest room mrs. zhong gave me had a its own bathroom which was very convenient for me

i step inside the bathroom and once again, i was amazed. this might be a guest room but god damn it looks like a private suit's bathroom. like it was quite wide and not to mention there's also a bathtub here? like? how? damn rich people are clearly god's favorite

but at the same time the rich doesn't always have the best lives so imma take back my words about them being god's favorite. i sighed before putting my clothes near the sink and began to strip all of my clothing

i hop in the shower and of course, not forgetting to bring my shampoo soap and etc. i turn on the shower and flinched when the cold water hit my body, i played with the handles until the temperature was right

i sighed pleasingly at the feeling of the warm water hitting my skin. fun fact, i'm actually one of those people who have thousands of weird shower thoughts when i shower. it all just come to mind so sudden and i've had thousand of mind blown from all of those thoughts

'erasers slowly sacrifice their life for our mistakes'

'why is there a d when it's fridge but not when it's refrigerator?'

'if you're waiting for the waiter then aren't you the waiter?'

'when you buy a bigger bed you have more bed room but less bedroom'

'if a turtle loses its shell is it naked or homeless?'

the last one made me froze from shampooing my hair as my eyes widened. i stayed still for a few seconds to figure out the answer but in the end, i gave up so i only shrugged and wash off the shampoo from my hair

a few minutes later i was finished showering, i wear my new clean clothes and dried my hair with my towel since i forgot to bring my hairdryer, stupid me. i stared at my reflection as i dry my hair and stopped momentarily

"i suddenly want to dye my hair" i sighed before dropping my hands to the sink and stared closely to my reflection but then leaned away

"ugh what's wrong with my face? the hell, i really need to start doing some skincare" i stared once again before looking away quickly and shivered from how dead my face looked, how funny i just finished showering but i don't look fresh at all

i continued to dry my hair until i was pleased to see it almost dried off. i hang my towel and left the bathroom to immediately jumped to my bed, i roll around the bed as i giggled happily on how comfortable it felt

i rolled around a few more times until i finally found my most comfortable position to sleep. i snuggled to my blanket and was about to sleep until a familiar sound was heard

i groaned in annoyance before deciding to just sleep and when i was about close my eyes, the sound came back making me more annoyed. i sat up from my previous position and stared angrily at my stomach

"why? just why? i was about to sleep but you just had to yell out 'im hungry, feed me' ugh i hate you" i continued cursing to my stomach before it growled again and this time i felt a bit of a pain

okay i might have just remembered that i didn't have breakfast earlier. "fine, you win" i tsked my stomach before shoving my blanket away and stand up from the bed. i stretched a bit before making my way out of my room

i was about to walk until i realized that i don't know where the kitchen is, i slapped my forehead harshly before sighing. "might as well take a tour"

i decided to just let my feet walk randomly and i only hoped that i'll meet somebody along that way and finally get shown the way to the kitchen. i pass a few rooms but i didn't know what was inside but i didn't get the chance to peek because my stomach's much more important right now

"damn why is this house so big" i mumbled as i hold my aching stomach and was about to make a left until my body clashed with another body. how funny that this was just like when i met chenle the other day because this person had an arm around my waist preventing my fall and i could feel his breath hovering over my face

i slowly opened my eyes when i noticed i didn't fall and let me tell you how shocked i was

to see a zhong chenle's face hovering over mine and i swear with the slightest push we'd be kissing right now. my eyes widened which made his face distorted from a worried one to a confused one

then he stood up straight bringing me up along with him and his arm left my waist when he saw i was already steady. "we really need to stop meeting like this" chenle chuckled while i only stood still and i'm sure my face's red right now

"you okay? you're really red" my hands immediately shot to my cheeks and when my palms felt the skin there, it was really warm. "don't mind me, i just have really r-red cheeks... hehe" i smiled awkwardly

"oh really? that's cute" i didn't know what to reply so i only laughed awkwardly before standing up straight and raised my right arm to my face

"oh would you look at the time, i need to unpack my rags- i mean bags, see you chenle" i didn't give him a chance to reply and speed run towards my room. i'm honestly surprised on how i still remember the way

i immediately shut the door as soon as i went in and leaned on it. i placed a hand over my chest as i felt my rapidly beating heart and slowly tried to catch my breath.

"damn i'm really unfit" i sighed heavily as i felt tired from the short run i just did. i stood up straight and was about to walk towards my bed until a familiar sound came back which made me facepalmed so hard

"why did i run away instead of asking him the way to the kitchen?"

"why did i run away instead of asking him the way to the kitchen?"

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lmao hyein tf u doin honey,
don't forget to vomment!

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