t h i r t y o n e

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the fact that nct set the highest record for having the most views in 24 hrs (in sm) and they also sold a million of preorders is just- *chefs kiss*

the fact that nct set the highest record for having the  most views in 24 hrs (in sm) and they also sold a million of preorders is just- *chefs kiss*

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guanlin just got out from the bathroom and to his surprise, he found hyein leaning against the wall in front of him. he was about to question the girl until hyein took notice of him first and shorten their distance as she held out a newly bought water.

noticing his unsure look, hyein gestured that the water's for him which he took before letting out a 'thank's' first. hyein's eyes followed his motions from twisting the cap to drinking the water as she finally started speaking,

"congrats on continuing to the next match"

guanlin's eyes that were looking elsewhere immediately averted towards her direction as he continued to drink until he felt full. he put the cap back on as he let out a small amused scoff which puzzled the girl

he took the towel that was around his neck to tie it around the bottle so it would differentiate which one is his. the silence coming from him was getting a bit annoying for hyein and not to mention, the teasing smirk on his face just agitated her even more because she already knew what was on his mind

the male leaned back against the wall behind him as he prop a foot up as extra support. he kept his eyes locked with hyein which made him lower his head slightly due to the height difference

"is that the only thing you're going to congratulate me?"

'knew it'

hyein let out a dramatic sigh as she sarcastically hums while tapping a finger against her chin with her eyes looking up - as if she was thinking deeply. her actions made guanlin chuckle as he lightly flicked her forehead which made her chuckle as well

"seriously?" hyein shrugs as a reply which made the male rolled his eyes playfully with a sigh following it. hyein inhaled lightly before putting out her fist as she said,

"congrats on winning the bet as well, sir lai guanlin"

the male's eyes flickered from her fist to her face before stifling his laughter and nodded his head as he outstretched his hand to ruffle her hair,

"congrats on getting a chance to grant this lai guanlin's wish"

hyein rolls her eyes at his words before slapping his stomach which made him wince as his hand that was previously on her hair went to cover his stomach that was a bit bruised because an opponent accidentally elbowed him there

"there's no need to wound me even more"

"guess that reached you to not mess with a lady's hair"


hyein was just casually walking after getting some stuffs from the admissions' office but due to her looking down - scanning the papers in her hands, she accidentally bumps into someone causing the two of them to stumble back

"oh! i'm really sorry"

"noo, it's fine. it was also my fault, sor-"

at first, hyein started her words while looking at the papers to check if it was creased or not but when she raised her head to face the person - her voice became inaudible as she ended her apology with a whisper.

hyein's round eyes were locked with the person and you could clearly see the word 'surprise' written all over her face. she never thought she'll bump into this person but guess, fate had other plans.

the figure noticed hyein's surprised look which puzzled her for a second because she was certain that she only has one acquaintance from this school until her mind finally remembered who this person is

hyein slightly flinched from her loud gasp as the other person only clasped her hands together while wearing a warm smile towards hyein as she said,

"are you perhaps.. min hyein?"

hyein's eyes went rounder for a second because she didn't think that she would know her name but she answered nonetheless, "that's me and.. you are?"

it was a bit funny to hyein that she knows who this person is but till' this day, she doesn't know her name

the figure gave hyein a small smile as she outstretched her hand forward, "my name's kwon nabi, nice to meet you"


chenle briefly eyed the girl beside him that was busy facing the window beside her. chenle sighs as his his hand gripped the steering wheel tightly while his other hand went up to brush his hair back before letting it fall down to the gear shift.

he continues to drive while also thinking of what he should say to break the silence between them. his eyes caught the traffic light that's close to turning red which he took as an opportunity to slow down so they'll get caught in a red light.

when the car stopped, chenle switched the gears and started,

"what's wrong?"


he pursed his lips into a thin line from hearing her monotonous tone. he stared at her figure that was still facing away from him which he disliked so he gently grabbed her arm and made her face him.

chenle mentally cheered when hyein didn't push him away but that cheering was quick to be replaced with concern. his caring eyes were locked with her blank eyes which he knew was just a cover up for the sadness she's feeling

hyein's hands were starting to shake from being balled up into fists as it was an action to hold back the tears that were close to erupt. feeling her shaking, he looks down to her hands and his brows furrowed to see it all balled up tightly

he placed his hand over hers and gently caressed it - to help her calm down which was successful. feeling her hands have opened up, chenle immediately took both of her hands into his hold and asks her one more time,

"what's wrong?"

hyein bit her lips anxiously as it started to trembled from how soft his voice was, if only she didn't care - she would already break down right not but she couldn't. hyein blinked away the tears that were starting to form in her eyes and started,


hyein flinched from the loud honk that came from behind and immediately looks around to see it's already a green light as the cars beside them already started to drive away. hyein slips her hands away from his and mumbled,


chenle was unsure on what to reply but hearing another honk from behind made him sigh and quickly changed the gears before pressing down on the gas so they would reach home faster

chenle was unsure on what to reply but hearing another honk from behind made him sigh and quickly changed the gears before pressing down on the gas so they would reach home faster

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damn chenle driving is definitely a sight i wanna see

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