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yo wassup it's another long ass chapter, enjoy!

yo wassup it's another long ass chapter, enjoy!

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"sooo.. that girl- nabi is your arranged fianc-"

"was- my fiance and we both agreed to drop out of it"

"and have you told your dad yet?"

noticing the sudden silence from the male, hyein shot her eyes opened which startled the male. thankfully enough, he didn't flinch too hard and had a firm grip on the bowl and brush in each of his hands

"you scared me"

"you haven't.. haven't you?"

chenle gave the girl a sheepish smile before gesturing her to close her eyes which she obliged after letting out a tired sigh.

chenle dipped the brush into the bowl before continuing to apply the green tea mask on her face. earlier today, hyein was just in her room after washing up and was about to start her skincare routine until a knock on the door made her halt

turns out, it was only a bored chenle. in the middle of her nagging at him for not resting, chenle took notice of the brush she's holding and he knew that was her masking brush so after she was finished talking,

chenle eagerly volunteered himself to help her, remembering his past experiences with applying a mask wasn't too bad - hyein agreed to it so here they are in hyein's room, sitting face to face on her bed

at first, they were talking about random things until a thought came into hyein's mind which led her to start a new topic,

she started by asking him who was the girl that came to their school's game and cheered for him so loud to the point hyein's voice was inaudible

she thought it wouldn't be wrong to ask her own boyfriend about who that girl was since hyein's been dying from curiosity since the day she saw them eating together at the mall

but when she heard that the girl - kwon nabi is his arranged fiance, a memory began to flood her mind, a memory of another girl storming into his house, calling herself his fiance

then that memory brought her to another thought which was how do they tell their parents - well actually, chenle's parents.

she knows her mother wouldn't have a problem but his parents especially his father have been sending him to marriage arrangements which would make this rather difficult

chenle stayed silent until he finished applying the mask evenly to her face, he leaned aside to put away the bowl and brush on her bedside table which got her attention to open her eyes

once he was back in place, he finally noticed her current face condition and let out a chuckle which made her confused. the male wore a grin as he outstretched his hand to pat her head, "you're like hulk but a girl"

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