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the sight of chenle cooking is just so h0T

"thanks chenle" hyein shyly thanked the male as he only replied with a small smile while shaking his hands

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"thanks chenle" hyein shyly thanked the male as he only replied with a small smile while shaking his hands. "no problem but why did you run away though earlier?"

a few minutes ago when hyein just arrived at her room after running away from chenle, realization dawned upon at her when she felt stupid for not asking chenle the way to the kitchen

that realization was expressed through her loudly yelling, "I'M SUCH AN IDIOT". fortunately for hyein, chenle followed her from behind moments after she ran away because he was actually going to his room which was in front of hyein's but there was also another reason why he followed her,

he felt a bit worried at her weird demeanor so in the end, after hearing hyein's loud exclamation. he gently knocked on the girl's door and hyein had no chance but to answer it. once she opened the door, she was startled to see chenle's fist near her face as he was about to knock again but then he put down his fist before apologizing

he then asked the girl if there's any problem and he got his reply from hearing hyein's stomach grumble again so here they are, in the kitchen

hyein's hand halted from opening the cupboard in front of her, she slowly looks back as her eyes flickered around before awkwardly replying, "i uhh... i like running?"

chenle rose a brow at the awkward girl as he tilted his head with confusion written all over his face, then a small 'okay' left his lips

hyein only smiled sheepishly at him and turned her focus back to the cupboard, "what do you want to eat?" hyein was confused why she can hear the sound from a close distance so out of reflex, she turns around and immediately gripped the counter behind her as her other hand slapped over her chest where her heart is

"you scared me.." hyein took small breaths repeatedly as she tried to recover from her shock seconds ago. chenle only giggled before outstretching his hand to pat her shoulder, "sorry, do you want me to cook? i'm not bragging but i cook well"

hyein's tensed body immediately relaxed as her eyes sparkled when she heard he can cook which chenle noticed, he felt a smile creeping up his face. "you can cook?" chenle nodded as he crossed his arms in front of his chest while wearing a proud smile

"of course i can, what do you like?" hyein looks up as she tried to think of a meal choice for her lunch- or brunch since she hasn't had breakfast yet. the corner of chenle's lips tugged upwards at the sight of her deep in thoughts, not to mention how cute she looked in his eyes with her bottom lip stuck out like that

his heart warmed even more when he saw her little small exclamation with her pointer finger raised up. "hmm?" chenle leaned forward as he anticipated her answer,

"i'm craving kimchi fried rice, can you make it?" chenle instantly nodded which made the girl cheer loudly as she pumps both of her fists upwards making chenle chuckle at her adorable actions

"you can sit there, don't worry i won't take long" hyein nods and went to the sit he pointed seconds ago. chenle took the hanging apron near the fridge and put it on, wait let me rephrase that, tried to put it on

hyein noticed his struggles and decided to come over and help the lad. "i'll do it" hyein's voice came out smaller than expected but chenle still heard it so his hands left the strings and let the girl help him

hyein stood behind him and took each of the strings into her hands and tied a knot to secure it, "is it too tight?" chenle's head turned to the side as he shook it in meaning no

he then turned around and wore a sweet smile which somehow made hyein's heart skipped a beat. "thanks" he reached out his hand to pat her head softly before heading towards the fridge to get the ingredients

hyein bit her lip as she tried to hold a smile from coming out as she heads back to her seat with a semi flushed face. wonder how redder she'll be if she knows chenle's struggle was an act...

chenle cooks regularly and he can definitely tie his apron with his own hands but the male decided to be mischievous and pretended to struggle so she could help him, oh how happy he was when he saw hyein approaching him

hyein's eyes followed the lad's actions as he began to cook. it will be a lie if hyein's heart didn't flutter at the sight of him slicing the garlic, cracking the eggs, cutting the hams - basically just seeing him cooking is just a treat for her eyes

"can you cook?" hyein snapped out of her daydream and managed to let out a small 'huh?' before realizing his question, "oh... i can't" hyein usually never felt embarrassed to say she can't cook but just know she does, guess it's because she's saying it to chenle

"cute, it's okay. i can cook for the two of us" even though chenle was saying it normally, hyein had trouble on not squealing because it sounded really sweet to her ears.

"you seem husband material"
"i do, don't i?" hyein snorted when she saw his smug grin which made chenle giggle.

"i rarely showcase my husband material side, you should be honored"

hyein only hummed in response and continued to watch him cook and without their knowledge, 30 minutes have passed and chenle was finished cooking. he served the fried rice on a plate and made his way towards hyein

"you're not eating?" chenle shook his head as he placed the plate in front of hyein and took a seat beside her. "i already ate" hyein nods before turning to face him and throw a smile to the male

"thank you, i'll enjoy it~" chenle hums and stared warmly at her as hyein scooped a spoonful of the fried rice with a thought that just crossed her mind. she halted and slowly turned to the side so she'll face chenle

chenle gave her a confused look as she held out the spoonful to his mouth, "you should eat first" as much as chenle wanted to reject the offer, he couldn't because hyein gave him glares each time he was about to shake his head

so he slowly opened his mouth and let her feed him the first bite, hyein then smiled happily seeing him munching on it before scooping another spoonful for herself

"uwah~ this is really good" she covers her mouth in amazement and fed her another spoonful. chenle's heart warmed up at the sight of her eating his home made food really well. hyein decided to feed herself and chenle in between since she felt bad if the male only watched her eat

as chenle munched on the food, a thought crossed his mind. he debated on asking her about it or not but if he didn't ask her, he knows it'll mess him up because he'll be very curious to the point he won't be able to sleep

so he decided to just go for it, "hyein-ah" the girl hummed as she munched on her food while turning her head to face the male

"i have a question" hyein couldn't speak since her mouth was still full so she nudged her forehead as a gesture for him to continue. chenle paused for a while before spitting out the words he has been keeping inside for at least year

"do you have a boyfriend?"

"do you have a boyfriend?"

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