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i wanna ask if the chapters here are too long or is it okay? or is it too short?

i wanna ask if the chapters here are too long or is it okay? or is it too short?

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"i hate him"

hyein kept repeating those three words from her way home. because of how foul her mood is right now, she accidentally slammed the front door to harsh hence making a very loud noise which made her flinch

hyein frowns as she turns around to glared angrily at the door. "can you be at least quieter?" hyein mumbled with irk lacing her voice as her glares never left the door.

she was totally out of her mind to realize she's scolding a door for her own fault. but she blames her fury on the one and only, zhong chenle

let me fill you in on what happened. chenle and hyein were supposed to go back home together today, as usual. but the male kept giving her the cold shoulder throughout practice

and when practice ended, hyein happily approached the male and was about to talk until he abruptly cuts her off by saying,

"you can go home by yourself right? i'm going somewhere and i'll be back late"

of course the sudden change of events surprised her but then again, she just thought maybe chenle had somewhere to be so she asked him where he's going - just for safety measures

but his reply sadden the girl

"just somewhere, you don't need to know"

hyein's bright mood slowly went down and that showed clearly by her smile distorting to a frown. chenle didn't pay any attention to how she reacted and walked past her

hyein stood frozen as she couldn't process what just happened. she then turns around to see chenle's back figure walking until it stopped in his tracks and turned around to run towards her

hyein's eyes glittered at seeing his change of my mind, she thought maybe chenle would ask her to come with her or explain why he's being like this

but his reason for running back wasn't anything of the above

chenle kept a straight face as he approached her, his heart fluttered at seeing the sweet smile crawling up on her face but he was quick to brush the feeling away

hyein looks at him hopefully, ignoring his blank expression - she only waited for him to say something but all she got was silence which made her brows knitted

"what is it chen-"
"you can ask guanlin to take you home if you don't want to walk"

and just like that, the smile was wiped out of her face as the frown came back. chenle nods his head at her before turning around and jog out of the court

hyein's mouth was slightly opened as she felt speechless with what he just said. hyein scoffed as she felt fury raging throughout her body, she rolled her eyes at the male before furiously grab her bag and walked out of the court

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