Argument Headcanons

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• The fight is normally about either Mao Mao doing something stupid and almost getting hurt or Mao Mao not taking care of himself.

• Mao Mao knows you're right after he reflects on the fight.

• You can't help but cry after arguments. You don't like yelling-and trust me, Mao Mao's yells a lot in fights. He can't help it.

• But Badgerclops got your back, girl! He will have you to binge-watch all your favorite shows and eat your favorite snacks until you happy again.

• Then he and Adorabat will plan on how to get you two back together.

•It's obvious that you two are suffering without each other, but Mao Mao's too stubborn to apologize first and you're not gonna apologize because you know you were only trying to care about your boyfriend.

•You and Mao Mao normally sleep in the same bed because Mao Mao likes to hold you close to make sure that no one hurts you while he's sleep.

• And when y'all fight.......that actually doesn't really change much sleeping wise.

•  Yeah, you two are mad at each other, but Mao Mao still wants to make sure that nothing happens to you while he sleeps.

• You're STILL he's girlfriend for crying out loud.

• But, instead of Mao Mao holding you close from behind or Mao Mao holding you while you face him. You face away from each other with your backs pressed together.

• About 95 percent of arguments only last a day or two

• But the ones that last longer, it's torture for everyone.

• Adorabat doesn't like the tenseness in the air

• Badgerclops doesn't like that you and Mao are all sad and mopey.

• Mao Mao doesn't like that he can't hold you and meditate with you

• And you don't like that this whole fight was because of the fact that Mao Mao was out all night on patrol!

• By day 4, Mao Mao already cracked.
-"I'm sorry, (Y/N)! PLEASE FORGIVE ME!"

• Of course you forgive him. Who wouldn't forgive Mao Mao?

• Badgerclops and Adorabat celebrate when they find out that y'all back together.

•Adorabat brings cake.

•Badgerclops eats most of the cake.

•You eat the other portion.

• You and Mao Mao cuddle for three days straight after you make up.

(COMPLETED) Mao Mao x Reader OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now